Yintai Department Store Upgrades Green Logistics, Annual Carbon Reduction Equivalent to Various 5000 Trees

Yintai Department Store Upgrades Green Logistics, Annual Carbon Reduction Equivalent to Various 5000 Trees

On November 7th, it was reported that many consumers across the country have received official packages from over 60 Intime department stores, which have been replaced with more low-carbon and environmentally friendly "green packages".The reporter learned from Yintai that in terms of green logistics alone, Yintai Department Store's annual carbon reduction exceeded 1184 tons, equivalent to the total amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by 5383 trees over 20 years...

Activision Blizzard CEO: Joining Microsoft makes the company more like an independent studio

Activision Blizzard CEO: Joining Microsoft makes the company more like an independent studio

On November 7th, according to foreign media reports, Mike Ybarra, CEO of Activision Blizzard, said recently about his feelings after joining Microsoft, "I believe building a team, focusing on culture, and creating freely will make Blizzard feel more independent than ever beforeOn October 13th, Microsoft officially completed a $69 billion acquisition of Activision Blizzard.Previously, Microsoft had stated that after completing the acquisition, it would start adding Activision Blizzard games to GamePass next year...

It's no use cherishing memories. The withdrawal of six types of household appliances from the market has become a foregone conclusion. After seeing their shortcomings, I understand

It's no use cherishing memories. The withdrawal of six types of household appliances from the market has become a foregone conclusion. After seeing their shortcomings, I understand

Some things are eliminated and we want to say 'good', but some things are eliminated and we feel regretful.But nostalgia is also useless...

Another strange phenomenon in society: why are there more and more smoking hotels on the street when a large number of shops are closing down?

Another strange phenomenon in society: why are there more and more smoking hotels on the street when a large number of shops are closing down?

Now as long as you walk on the street, you will find that there are not as many pedestrians on the road as before, and there are many shops with their doors tightly closedTransfer for leaseThe brand of. Obviously, these shops have already closed down, and even if there are still many open doors, most of them areLow price sales and loss promotionThe state of being unable to sell is still struggling to support...

Decrypt! Why do planes avoid Xizang? Explore the reasons behind it!

Decrypt! Why do planes avoid Xizang? Explore the reasons behind it!

Mysterious flying world: why do large planes avoid the sky over Xizang? In the early summer morning, the sun shines through the clouds on the northern Tibetan plateau, creating brilliant colors and magnificent scenery. However, the towering of the the Himalayas has brought great challenges to pilots...

Can't you stop the internet, can't you stop the heart? Deeply explore the reasons why

Can't you stop the internet, can't you stop the heart? Deeply explore the reasons why "adult websites" cannot be eradicated

In the era of the Internet, adult oriented content and services can no longer be considered new, but the repeated prohibition of "adult websites" is still a problem that is difficult for society and law to solve. This article will delve into the reasons why "adult websites" are repeatedly banned and explore possible solutions...

Long ago eliminated by our country, but now it is directly popular abroad. Foreigner: These three good things are not needed in China?

Long ago eliminated by our country, but now it is directly popular abroad. Foreigner: These three good things are not needed in China?

Click on the top right to follow and unlock daily good articlesWen | Xue Zhengzheng aaEditor | Xue Zhengzheng aaThere are many old objects from the last century in China, which brought great convenience to people's lives due to their excellent quality and performance. However, with the development of the times, they have alsoGradually eliminated...

It is rumored that NIO will lay off 10% -20% of its employees, but officials say they have not received any relevant information, making it difficult to break the

It is rumored that NIO will lay off 10% -20% of its employees, but officials say they have not received any relevant information, making it difficult to break the "20000 car curse"

On November 2nd, Red Star Capital Bureau reported that on the 1st, a netizen revealed in Pulse that NIO (09866. HK/NIO...

Intime Department Store's Digital IP Entering AI Platform for Children's Tales ImageStore

Intime Department Store's Digital IP Entering AI Platform for Children's Tales ImageStore

On November 2nd, Intime Department Store and AI content service company Children's Story ImageStore reached an IP and content partnership. The two sides will innovate and explore content marketing forms that are more close to contemporary young people based on future life scenarios...

Alibaba International Station AI Business Assistant Online Digging for Digital Foreign Trade Dividends

Alibaba International Station AI Business Assistant Online Digging for Digital Foreign Trade Dividends

Digital trade is becoming a new trend in the development of international trade today and a new growth point for future international trade development.According to customs data, in 2022, the scale of service trade that can be digitally delivered in China reached 2...

WeChat has added an independent send button, making typing more convenient for users

WeChat has added an independent send button, making typing more convenient for users

On the evening of October 31st, the iOS version of WeChat updated version 8.0...

Leaving the Chinese market, Apple officially announced! Foreign media: Cook is indeed an old orphan

Leaving the Chinese market, Apple officially announced! Foreign media: Cook is indeed an old orphan

Recently, Foxconn has faced unprecedented tax and land use investigations in China, sparking widespread discussions about Apple's strategic choices in the Chinese market. This article will explore the importance of the Chinese market for Apple, the considerations behind Apple's supply chain adjustment, and strategic analysis of the Chinese market...