The big data anti pornography campaign has started, and precise positioning is not enough to run away. I'll ask if you're panicking or not

The big data anti pornography campaign has started, and precise positioning is not enough to run away. I'll ask if you're panicking or not

The big data anti pornography campaign has started, and precise positioning is not enough to run away. I'll ask if you're panicking or notThe era of big data has profoundly changed our way of life, not only affecting personal privacy, but also playing an important role in legal and anti pornography work...

Stunned, look at the bill for two million? The salesperson is panicking

Stunned, look at the bill for two million? The salesperson is panicking

How much is the most expensive fried chicken you have ever eaten?Dozens of dollars? Over a hundred yuan?Recently, Hua classmate purchased fried chicken at Jiguang Xiangxiang Chicken StoreSurprised to discover when making the paymentI have to pay nearly two million yuan myself!You can almost buy this store nowAfter Hua ordered a meal at a fried chicken restaurantUse mobile phone scanning code for paymentHowever, when she carefully looked at the numbers displayed on the payment interfaceThe bill actually shows that she needs to pay nearly two million yuan!This skyrocketing bill startled HuaHua immediately sought help from the shop assistantI hope to solve this problemThe shop assistant explained to her thatThis should be a system and network issueCausing payment amount display errorHua said, "At that time, the salesperson was probably quite flusteredLater on, he explained to me that it should be a network issueAnd my credit card doesn't have that large limit eitherUnable to pay outThe feeling at that time was that I would just eat a chicken instead of itI also feel very speechlessFortunately, the salesperson did not ignore itThey apologized to herAnd properly solved the problemCanceled the original order and received a new payment of 19 yuanNetizen comment: It's only after putting in effort that it truly explodesThis matter has sparked discussions among netizens, with some saying that spending two million yuan is truly shocking.A shallow note and deep ink: Giving is the explosive heat search...

Stunned, look at the bill for two million? The salesperson panicked

Stunned, look at the bill for two million? The salesperson panicked

Source: News Morning NewsHow much is the most expensive fried chicken you have ever eaten?Dozens of dollars? Over a hundred yuan?Recently, Hua was surprised to find that he was paying for fried chicken when he purchased itI have to pay nearly two million yuan myself!You can almost buy this store nowAfter Hua ordered a meal at a fried chicken restaurantUse mobile phone scanning code for paymentHowever, when she carefully looked at the numbers displayed on the payment interfaceThe bill actually shows that she needs to pay nearly two million yuan!This skyrocketing bill startled HuaHua immediately sought help from the shop assistantI hope to solve this problemThe shop assistant explained to her thatThis should be a system and network issueCausing payment amount display errorHua said, "At that time, the salesperson was probably quite flusteredLater on, he explained to me that it should be a network issueAnd my credit card doesn't have that large limit eitherUnable to pay outThe feeling at that time was that I would just eat a chicken instead of itI also feel very speechlessFortunately, the salesperson did not ignore itThey apologized to herAnd properly solved the problemCanceled the original order and received a new payment of 19 yuanNetizen comment: It's only after putting in effort that it truly explodesThis matter has sparked discussions among netizens, with some saying that spending two million yuan is truly shocking.A shallow note and deep ink: Giving is the explosive heat search...

I'm in Paris | A few bedbugs trigger panic throughout France: a biological crisis or a public relations crisis?

I'm in Paris | A few bedbugs trigger panic throughout France: a biological crisis or a public relations crisis?

Recently, there has been a strange phenomenon on the subway in Paris - even if there are many empty seats on the train, many Parisians choose to stand. I have hardly sat down on the subway in the past week...

Is the file transfer assistant a real person? Netizens panicked: Privacy has been posted! WeChat response

Is the file transfer assistant a real person? Netizens panicked: Privacy has been posted! WeChat response

Recently, some netizens posted an article stating thatThe WeChat file transfer assistant is a personRaise attentionIn a screenshot provided by the @ Tencent WeChat teamA netizen suggested thatActually...