The big data anti pornography campaign has started, and precise positioning is not enough to run away. I'll ask if you're panicking or not

The big data anti pornography campaign has started, and precise positioning is not enough to run away. I'll ask if you're panicking or not

The big data anti pornography campaign has started, and precise positioning is not enough to run away. I'll ask if you're panicking or notThe era of big data has profoundly changed our way of life, not only affecting personal privacy, but also playing an important role in legal and anti pornography work...

Solid state thermal transistor ultra high speed precise control of heat

Solid state thermal transistor ultra high speed precise control of heat

Science and Technology Daily News (Reporter Zhang Mengran) - Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles have launched the first stable all solid-state thermal transistor, which uses an electric field to control the thermal motion of semiconductor devices. According to a study published on November 3rd in the journal Science, the transistor has the highest speed and performance to date, and through atomic level design and molecular engineering, it can open up new fields of thermal management in computer chips...

After the ban has been upgraded for 24 hours, precise countermeasures will be launched again! Foreign media: Completely played off!

After the ban has been upgraded for 24 hours, precise countermeasures will be launched again! Foreign media: Completely played off!

Preface: The current international situation is constantly changing, like an ever-changing picture.On a global scale, multiple fields such as politics, economy, and technology are showing a coexistence of vigorous development and profound changes...

Flexible nanoelectrodes can provide precise brain stimulation

Flexible nanoelectrodes can provide precise brain stimulation

Science and Technology Daily, Beijing, June 1st (Reporter Zhang Mengran) - Traditional implantable medical devices designed to stimulate the brain are usually too hard and bulky for the softest and most fragile tissues in the body. To address this issue, engineers at Rice University in the United States have developed minimally invasive, ultra flexible nanoelectrodes that can serve as implantation platforms for long-term, high-resolution stimulation therapy...