Deli sets up a technology company with 200 million yuan in Wuhan, including integrated circuit chip business

Deli sets up a technology company with 200 million yuan in Wuhan, including integrated circuit chip business

According to the Tianyancha App, Wuhan Deli Technology Co., Ltd...

Poetry and the Distance of the Children of Huxiang -

Poetry and the Distance of the Children of Huxiang - "Follow the Wild Goose to Migrate" Activity Sharing Meeting Held in Liuyang

On the afternoon of October 14th, the writer Xu Yaping's long reportage "Following the Wild Goose to Migrate" sharing meeting was held in the Liuyang Economic and Technological Development Zone. At the sharing meeting, Xu Yaping spoke deeply about the beauty and sadness of Dongting Lake...

Super Computing Encounters National Treasures! This strategic cooperation agreement was signed today

Super Computing Encounters National Treasures! This strategic cooperation agreement was signed today

On October 19th, the National Supercomputing Chengdu Center and Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base held a strategic cooperation signing ceremony and the unveiling ceremony of the Endangered Animal Genetics and Computing Innovation Center.What problems will "supercomputing" solve when encountering national treasures?In recent years, with the rapid and high-quality increase in the number of artificially bred giant pandas, China's giant panda protection has achieved preliminary results...

During the Shanghai International Biopharmaceutical Industry Week, experts, scholars, and corporate executives discussed these topics

During the Shanghai International Biopharmaceutical Industry Week, experts, scholars, and corporate executives discussed these topics

On October 16th, the opening event of the 2023 Shanghai International Biopharmaceutical Industry Week was held at the Zhangjiang Science Hall in Shanghai.At the event site, discussions were held among participants on topics such as innovation internationalization and industrial internationalization, industrial agglomeration development, and the establishment of ecological service systems...

The fastest 4-hour delivery time in Hong Kong: JD, Hong Kong, and Macau have opened multiple self operated centers, accelerating the competition among express delivery giants

The fastest 4-hour delivery time in Hong Kong: JD, Hong Kong, and Macau have opened multiple self operated centers, accelerating the competition among express delivery giants

Reporter: Wang Yubiao Editor: Liu XuemeiThe layout of express delivery giants in the Hong Kong and Macao regions is accelerating.On October 17th, JD Express announced the upgrade of its Hong Kong and Macau express delivery business...

Curiosity is moving inside the Gail crater on Mars and has taken multiple photos of foreign objects. What exactly is it?

Curiosity is moving inside the Gail crater on Mars and has taken multiple photos of foreign objects. What exactly is it?

The content of this article comes from the internet. If it does not match the actual situation or there is infringement, please contact to delete it...

Cloud viewing platform | Immersive check-in! The first international airport invested and operated by a Chinese enterprise overseas

Cloud viewing platform | Immersive check-in! The first international airport invested and operated by a Chinese enterprise overseas

On the morning of October 16, 2023 local time, with the first inbound passenger plane landing smoothly on the apron, Cambodia's Siem Reap Angkor International Airport (SAI) was officially put into operation.Cambodia Siem Reap Angkor International AirportSiem Reap Angkor International Airport is the first international airport implemented by a Chinese enterprise overseas in a "BOT model"...

Huang Renxun appears on Hon Hai Technology Day, and NVIDIA will collaborate with Hon Hai to build AI factories for smart electric vehicles, robots, and more

Huang Renxun appears on Hon Hai Technology Day, and NVIDIA will collaborate with Hon Hai to build AI factories for smart electric vehicles, robots, and more

On October 18th, NVIDIA founder Huang Renxun appeared at the annual "Hon Hai Technology Day" event, riding on Hon Hai's electric vehicle (MODELB) with Hon Hai Chairman Liu Yangwei, releasing a signal of strengthening cooperation between the two companies. Huang Renxun revealed that the two companies will jointly build an AI factory...

The big model engages in

The big model engages in "human flesh search" with an accuracy rate of up to 95%! Research author: OpenAI has been reminded

Fengse Originates from Aofei TempleQuantum bit | official account QbitAIA Latest Study(From the Federal Polytechnic University of Zurich)Discovery:Large modelHuman flesh searchAbility cannot be underestimated.For example, a Reddit user only posted the following sentence:There is a troublesome intersection on my commute, turning there(waitingforahookturn)Sleeping for a long time...

Generate 10000 character novels with one click! Chinese online publishing of big models: not a complete transfer of creative rights

Generate 10000 character novels with one click! Chinese online publishing of big models: not a complete transfer of creative rights

As long as you have creative ideas, 'Xiaoyao Big Model' can help you write novels of ten thousand words, giving more ordinary people the opportunity to be seen in their livesOn October 13th, Tong Zhilei, Chairman of China Online Group Co., Ltd...

Hunan RT Mart celebrates its 26th anniversary with multiple exclusive products collectively appearing to attract attention

Hunan RT Mart celebrates its 26th anniversary with multiple exclusive products collectively appearing to attract attention

After the "Double Festivals", the national comprehensive large-scale supermarket RT-Mart celebrated its 26th anniversary, with over 60 popular brands and 20 new products collectively appearing, and multiple customized treasure products being exclusively sold, bringing a fresher and more cost-effective shopping experience to Changsha citizens.At the Tianxin store of RT-Mart Supermarket, the words "promotional products" and "printing prices" are hung everywhere, and the promotional efforts are relatively strong...

Research: The global incidence rate of cancer among people under 50 years old has increased by nearly 80% in 30 years

Research: The global incidence rate of cancer among people under 50 years old has increased by nearly 80% in 30 years

Recently, an international team of scientists led by Zhejiang University and the University of Edinburgh in Scotland studied the incidence rate of 29 cancers in 204 countries among all people aged 14 to 49. The results showed that the incidence rate of cancer among people under 50 in 2019 increased by 79% compared with 1990...