Finally, why do home appliance giants pile up to recycle old appliances? I already smelled the change

Finally, why do home appliance giants pile up to recycle old appliances? I already smelled the change

Before reading this article, please click on "Follow" to facilitate discussion and sharing with you, and also to watch the next exciting article in a timely manner. Thank you very much for your attentionThe world we live in has undergone significant changes...

Perfect World Releases Performance Forecast for the Half Year of 2023: New Games Ready to Launch

Perfect World Releases Performance Forecast for the Half Year of 2023: New Games Ready to Launch

On July 12th, Perfect World released its semi annual performance forecast for 2023, with an expected net profit attributable to the parent company of 360 million to 400 million yuan and a net profit deducted of 280 million to 320 million yuan. Among them, the net profit deducted from the gaming business is expected to be 410 million to 450 million yuan...

Having used your phone for 5 years is already the limit. When these 4 types of situations occur, don't hesitate to update or upgrade it

Having used your phone for 5 years is already the limit. When these 4 types of situations occur, don't hesitate to update or upgrade it

As a necessity in our daily life, mobile phones can be said to be very important, but as a digital product, they definitely have a lifespan.And if we encounter any unexpected situations, it will also shorten the lifespan of our phones...

Your phone has received 'this type of message' and must be turned off immediately! Many people have already been transferred through

Your phone has received 'this type of message' and must be turned off immediately! Many people have already been transferred through "gaps"

Wen | Meeting GodEditor | DaewoofollowSecurity issues are a commonplace issue. Many people, in order to avoid various risks, return to nature...

Mobile phones cannot be put together with these five things, many people don't understand. After reading them, please tell your family

Mobile phones cannot be put together with these five things, many people don't understand. After reading them, please tell your family

Mobile phones cannot be put together with these five things, many people don't understand. After reading them, please tell your familyMobile phones, this small device, have become an essential part of our lives...

CCTV exposure: Online counterfeit drugs are rampant, with a genuine rate of less than 40%. You may have already been recruited

CCTV exposure: Online counterfeit drugs are rampant, with a genuine rate of less than 40%. You may have already been recruited

Before reading this article, please click on "Follow" to facilitate discussion and sharing with you, and also to watch the next exciting article in a timely manner. Thank you very much for your attentionAs we all know, with the continuous development of technology, our country's logistics development is very rapid, especially in the e-commerce industry...

The first half of C929 has been completed offline, CJ2000 is ready, and 2030 is expected to make its first flight!

The first half of C929 has been completed offline, CJ2000 is ready, and 2030 is expected to make its first flight!

Recently, the Russian side once again raised the C929 cooperation project, saying that Russia will not withdraw from this Sino Russian cooperation project, which makes many people wonder if they have always said they want to withdraw from this project? Why do you suddenly want to continue working together? However, later news came out from the Russian side that China would contract and develop the C929 aircraft project, which had withdrawn from cooperation with China. Unfortunately, China had lost Russia as a partner at that time, as Russia still had a lot of technology to learn from in the aviation industry; With the exposure of a series of achievements made by China in C929, it has become clear to everyone that the progress of C929 is about to be realized, and it is no wonder that even if the cooperation is terminated, China needs to independently contract to continue the research and development of the project...

The first batch of

The first batch of "green brand cars" begin to replace batteries? After reading the prices, netizen: Driving a gasoline powered car is also great!

Before reading this article, please click on "Follow" to facilitate discussion and sharing with you, and also to watch the next exciting article in a timely manner. Thank you very much for your attentionprefaceThe first batch of people who ate crabs may not always be able to eat 'good crabs'...

The Wei family's Liangpi cannot afford to withdraw from the Meituan at a high price, and the end of the

The Wei family's Liangpi cannot afford to withdraw from the Meituan at a high price, and the end of the "lone brave" is already doomed

NO.505Author: Jing Tianwei and DiReviewed by: Cheng Cheng/Editor: ZhizhiThe draw is too high, and merchants are no longer playing...