Serious shortage! Merchants rely on

Serious shortage! Merchants rely on "hands on speed" to purchase goods! Recently, it has been too popular

The laptop market has ushered in a traditional peak season during the opening season. What is the sales situation this year?The reporter saw at the Huaqiang North Electronics Mall in Shenzhen that consumers were standing around the laptop booth to make purchases...

Decomposing the recently popular

Decomposing the recently popular "Zen Language" Little Monk Video - Revealing the Secret of Production Methods

Recently, a popular short video method on short video platforms has been "Little Monk" speaking Zen, and this little monk is generated by AI, and most of the short video work is also generated by AI.Many people are quickly gaining followers in this way...

Tesla's rating has been heavily downgraded by major Wall Street banks, and its stock price has plummeted recently

Tesla's rating has been heavily downgraded by major Wall Street banks, and its stock price has plummeted recently

On Monday, June 27th, local time, Tesla closed 6.06% lower at $241...