The southernmost territory: Is the Zengmu Sands controlled by China? Is it possible to reclaim land from the sea?

The southernmost territory: Is the Zengmu Sands controlled by China? Is it possible to reclaim land from the sea?

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Foxconn was found to have an annual revenue of over 500 billion yuan and paid 3.3 billion yuan in taxes. Some land will be reclaimed?

Foxconn was found to have an annual revenue of over 500 billion yuan and paid 3.3 billion yuan in taxes. Some land will be reclaimed?

Recently, a news about Foxconn being investigated has attracted widespread attention. What's wrong with this globally renowned electronics manufacturer? This article will uncover the truth behind this incident for you...

To reclaim the lost four years! Huawei aimed its first shot at Apple, but seriously injured OPPO

To reclaim the lost four years! Huawei aimed its first shot at Apple, but seriously injured OPPO

Huawei has once again caused a shock, with its target no longer being Apple, but its competitor OPPO.This has been the fatal blow launched by Huawei twice in a row, making people wonder whether this is a coincidence or a carefully considered strategy?The mobile phone market, a highly competitive field, has always been contested by several major giants, among which Huawei and OPPO can be regarded as the two leading players in China's mobile phone industry...