Online Rumors: False Propaganda Behind the

Online Rumors: False Propaganda Behind the "Traffic Economy"

Online rumors have become an urgent problem in today's society, and for the public, we are often confused and troubled by various false news.Recently, the Ministry of Public Security issued a serious warning against the rumor mongering of Personal media personnel at a press conference, and emphasized that the platform should also take corresponding responsibilities...

TSMC Responds to 3 Nanometers and Seizes Apple's Big Order: Do Not Comment on Market Rumors

TSMC Responds to 3 Nanometers and Seizes Apple's Big Order: Do Not Comment on Market Rumors

On July 18th, according to Taiwan's Economic Daily, Bloomberg reported that Apple's latest self-developed M3 chip is expected to debut in October this year, produced using TSMC's 3-nanometer process. The legal representative is optimistic that the M3 chip will be another important 3-nanometer order for TSMC, following the latest A17 processor on the high-end iPhone 15, which will help the company operate in the second half of the year...

Be wary of mass

Be wary of mass "yellow rumors" in the AI black industry chain

P-shaped robots have multiple functions. Respondent provided picturesNowadays, "AI undressing" technology has generated a black industry chain...

Where do online rumors come from? An article exposes the black industry chain of professional rumors

Where do online rumors come from? An article exposes the black industry chain of professional rumors

Rumors and rumors continue to emerge on the internetSome rumormongers are for profitNot hesitate to fabricate lies and hype up eventsThese actions not only infringe on the vital interests of citizensIt also seriously disrupts the public order of the InternetCompared to internet fanatics, some rumormongers have become highly professional and scaled up, while behind them lies a huge industrial chain composed of pushers, gunmen, and thugs, which is extremely destructive. Some "online water armies" maliciously hype related events by fabricating and disseminating false information, "creating hot topics," "grabbing popularity," and "taking pace," in order to achieve the goals of attracting profits, extorting money, and other activities, which bias the public's three values and seriously affect social atmosphere...

Xiaomi dispels rumors on the internet that the configuration and price of Xiaomi's cars are untrue

Xiaomi dispels rumors on the internet that the configuration and price of Xiaomi's cars are untrue

On June 26, Wang Hua, the head of Xiaomi PR, responded on his personal microblog that "the above information is conjectured information reported by Personal media in May 2022, and Xiaoai's classmates captured the information. A few days ago, someone asked questions, and Xiaoai directly retrieved the information...

Zhou Yuan, CEO of Zhihu, said that the anonymity function will be adjusted: Name calling and rumors are not welcome in the community

Zhou Yuan, CEO of Zhihu, said that the anonymity function will be adjusted: Name calling and rumors are not welcome in the community

On June 22nd, Tech Planet reported that Zhou Yuan, the founder, chairman, and CEO of Zhihu, responded to the controversy over Zhihu's anonymous feature on his Moments and stated that he would make adjustments to the feature in the near future. "Zhihu accepts criticism, and the community remains open to discussions about Zhihu...