Zhou Yuan, CEO of Zhihu, said that the anonymity function will be adjusted: Name calling and rumors are not welcome in the community

Zhou Yuan, CEO of Zhihu, said that the anonymity function will be adjusted: Name calling and rumors are not welcome in the community

On June 22nd, Tech Planet reported that Zhou Yuan, the founder, chairman, and CEO of Zhihu, responded to the controversy over Zhihu's anonymous feature on his Moments and stated that he would make adjustments to the feature in the near future. "Zhihu accepts criticism, and the community remains open to discussions about Zhihu...

Three years without a new phone, choose these four

Three years without a new phone, choose these four "12+256G" flagship large memory models, which can be said to be the top configuration in the industry

Of course, if you want to use it for a long time, in addition to super strong performance, you also need to have a lot of memory. Therefore, when purchasing a phone, we still need to check the performance of the chip and choose the appropriate one according to our own requirements...

Yu Chengdong said he doesn't like boasting and advertising: I like making products and achieving the ultimate in them

Yu Chengdong said he doesn't like boasting and advertising: I like making products and achieving the ultimate in them

On May 28th, Tech Planet reported that AITO held its 100000th mass production vehicle launch ceremony recently. Zhang Xinghai, the founder and chairman of Celes, and Yu Chengdong, the executive director, terminal BGCEO, and intelligent vehicle solution BUCEO of Huawei, attended the ceremony and delivered speeches...