Intel Ruixuan ArcA5808GB graphics card launched globally simultaneously

Intel Ruixuan ArcA5808GB graphics card launched globally simultaneously

On October 10th, Intel announced that its Ruixuan ArcA5808GB graphics card will be launched through global partners.It is reported that the Intel Ruixuan A580 graphics card adopts advanced technologies such as Intel Xe Super Sampling (XeSS) and hardware accelerated ray tracing, which are supported by AI...

Under Microservices, how to realize simultaneous login or forced offline of multiple devices?

Under Microservices, how to realize simultaneous login or forced offline of multiple devices?

Preface:Have you ever encountered a requirement where the product requires the same user to be allowed to log in at the same time according to backend Settings, or when it is not allowed to log in at the same time, it is necessary to force the previous offline scenario. This article will lead you to implement a simple requirement for this scenario...