Haier Smart Home: Empowering Comfortable Summer Life in South China with Smart Technology

Haier Smart Home: Empowering Comfortable Summer Life in South China with Smart Technology

Haier Smart Home: Empowering Comfortable Summer Life in South China with Smart Technology Summer brings high temperatures and humidity, posing various challenges for users in South China. From stuffy and hot indoor environments to clammy clothes and easily perishable food, finding ways to stay comfortable during the summer months has become a significant concern for many...

 Don't Overspend on These 4 Home Appliances: A Guide to Smart Consumption

Don't Overspend on These 4 Home Appliances: A Guide to Smart Consumption

In today's modern households, home appliances have become indispensable tools for convenience and comfort. However, the market is flooded with a wide range of options, from basic models to high-end luxury items...

Baidu AI Cloud won the Smart City Award at the China Hi tech Fair, and the big model led the digital transformation of the industry

Baidu AI Cloud won the Smart City Award at the China Hi tech Fair, and the big model led the digital transformation of the industry

On November 16-17, as an important component of the 25th High tech Fair, the "2023 Smart City Development Summit Forum" jointly hosted by the National Information Center and Asian Data Group was held in Shenzhen. This forum focuses on the theme of "digital transformation stimulates new vitality in cities", attracting active participation from representatives from various sectors such as government, enterprises, and research institutions...

Smartphones may disappear by 2050, and the next generation of communication methods has taken shape

Smartphones may disappear by 2050, and the next generation of communication methods has taken shape

recentlyNihon Keizai Shimbun reported thatReport forecast released by Mizuho Bank in JapanSmartphones will disappear by 2050According to this reportSmartphones are now available worldwideThe penetration rate is 65%And this numberWill decrease to 60% by 2030By 2050, it will decrease to 0%So, smartphonesMay the future disappear?If it disappears, it may appear againWhat kind of new communication tool?Smartphones enter the "three phase" superposition stageIt has been half a century since the birth of the world's first mobile phone. Over the past half century, with the rapid development of mobile communication technology, mobile phones have increasingly become an indispensable part of human daily life...

Smart tourism should strive to avoid being flashy and unrealistic

Smart tourism should strive to avoid being flashy and unrealistic

Electronic tickets, intelligent tour guides, and a mobile phone tour of a city....


Industrial "Smart Manufacturing" Joins Double 11 Taobao and Tmall Industrial Product Sales Increase 42% YoY in Four Hours

At 8 pm on October 31st, Tmall Double 11 officially opened for sale. According to official data, the sales momentum of Taobao Tmall industrial products is rapid, with four hours on its first day of sale and a year-on-year increase of 42% in sales...

How to choose a smart door lock? Just remember eight pithy phrases

How to choose a smart door lock? Just remember eight pithy phrases


The Notebook Market Trends Are Clear, Huawei's Smart PC Ranked First in the Light and Thin Book Market in the Third Quarter

The Notebook Market Trends Are Clear, Huawei's Smart PC Ranked First in the Light and Thin Book Market in the Third Quarter

With the continuous development of technology, intelligence has become a new trend in the development of electronic products. In the upcoming Double Eleven Shopping Carnival, many consumers also want to take the opportunity to update their "electronic equipment"...

Haier Smart Home: Refining Green into Gold

Haier Smart Home: Refining Green into Gold

Haier Zhijia, who wants to be an "enterprise of the times," has once again reached the forefront of the commercial era.In thisIn the era where ESG has become a social consensus, Haier Smart Home is a rare example of pioneering practice: making ESG a new driving force for enterprise transformation, opening up a new golden track, and developing into a new growth curve, rather than seeing it as a compliance cost or operational burden...

Institution: Sales of smart speakers in China decreased by 16% year-on-year in the third quarter

Institution: Sales of smart speakers in China decreased by 16% year-on-year in the third quarter

On October 25th, according to the latest report from market analysis firm RUNTO, the omnichannel sales of China's smart speaker market in the third quarter of 2023 were 4.81 million units, a year-on-year decrease of 16%; The sales revenue was 1...

IDC: The market size of China's smart city artificial intelligence platform in 2022 is 5.32 billion yuan

IDC: The market size of China's smart city artificial intelligence platform in 2022 is 5.32 billion yuan

On October 25th, according to a report by market analysis firm IDC, the market size of China's smart city artificial intelligence platform in 2022 was RMB 5.32 billion, a year-on-year decrease of 4...

The latest progress chart for Shenzhen Oujia Building - the international headquarters of smartphone giant OPPO

The latest progress chart for Shenzhen Oujia Building - the international headquarters of smartphone giant OPPO

prefaceOPPOOPPO Guangdong Mobile Communication Co., Ltd...