United States: The Chinese space station does not comply with international regulations, and their operating system does not use English!

United States: The Chinese space station does not comply with international regulations, and their operating system does not use English!

May 30th is a day that marks the history of China's aerospace industry. The Shenzhou 16 spacecraft successfully docked with Chinese astronauts and the core module of the Tiangong Space Station...

Huawei's first sedan is heavily advertised, and the release time has been set! The price is 21999 yuan, here comes the gold smart watch! There are also smart glasses, 2. Spaceless touch TV

Huawei's first sedan is heavily advertised, and the release time has been set! The price is 21999 yuan, here comes the gold smart watch! There are also smart glasses, 2. Spaceless touch TV

Editor: Li ZedongAt 14:30 on September 25th, the Huawei Autumn Full Scene New Product Launch Conference was held. Yu Chengdong, Managing Director of Huawei, CEO of Terminal BG, and Chairman of Intelligent Automotive Solutions BU, delivered a speech...

India will release a 10-year vision and strategy for the space economy: increasing global share and making India a manufacturing center for small satellites

India will release a 10-year vision and strategy for the space economy: increasing global share and making India a manufacturing center for small satellites

On October 6, 2023, during the 74th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) in Baku, Azerbaijan, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) released preliminary scientific results on India's historic "Luna 3" lunar mission, including the first measurement of the near surface lunar plasma environment near the South Pole of the Moon.On July 14, 2023 local time, the Indian lunar ship 3 probe was launched with an LVM-3 heavy carrier rocket...

Seize the Construction Period, Hainan Commercial Space Launch Site Will Not Stop Work During Holidays

Seize the Construction Period, Hainan Commercial Space Launch Site Will Not Stop Work During Holidays

During the 8-day holiday, there were always people holding onto their posts. In Wenchang, Hainan, the first commercial space launch site under construction in China has never rested and has been accelerating construction...

Another historical breakthrough, China's space station conducts a

Another historical breakthrough, China's space station conducts a "burning" experiment, and foreign media laments that the United States lost

Before reading this article, we sincerely invite you to click on itFollowIt not only facilitates your discussion and sharing, but also brings you a different sense of participation. Thank you for your support...

MIT Amazing Proof: Is the Big Language Model the World Model? LLM Can Understand Space and Time

MIT Amazing Proof: Is the Big Language Model the World Model? LLM Can Understand Space and Time


Manned spaceflight achievements serve thousands of industries (innovation talk)

Manned spaceflight achievements serve thousands of industries (innovation talk)

As a high-precision and cutting-edge field, the development and application of manned spaceflight have generated enormous comprehensive benefitsThe Chinese space station has arranged for 110 space science research and application projects to be implemented in orbit, with over 4000 engineering achievements widely applied in various industries. The annual increase in grain production in space breeding is about 2...

In 2003, Yang Liwei heard a

In 2003, Yang Liwei heard a "knock on the door" in space. The answer was revealed 13 years later, thanks to his calmness at the time

As the countdown progressed, Yang Liwei calmly and resolutely saluted the camera. At 9:00 am on October 15, 2003, the Shenzhou-5 spacecraft successfully entered space, marking China's first manned space flight...

Setting Seven Guinness World Records Zhuhai Hengqin

Setting Seven Guinness World Records Zhuhai Hengqin "Chimelong Spaceship" Trial Industry

Guangzhou, September 16th (Xinhua) (Wang Hua, Deng Yongyi) Guangdong Chimelong Group's newly built indoor park "Chimelong Spacecraft" was put into trial operation on the 16th. On that day, the Guinness World Records official awarded the "Chimelong Spaceship" seven Guinness World Records Honorary Certificates...

Japanese media: Chinese researchers are prohibited from entering the Japan Space Agency's research institute, and space station cooperation is inappropriate

Japanese media: Chinese researchers are prohibited from entering the Japan Space Agency's research institute, and space station cooperation is inappropriate

followRecently, a Japanese space agency ban on Chinese researchers from entering the Japanese space station has sparked heated discussion online, and combined with Japan's recent high-profile "feat" of two failed launches of the H3 spacecraft, this statement is particularly comical.This statement of Japan is undoubtedly a contempt and rejection of the China National Space Administration and Space technology, which vividly reflects the pride and narrowness of the Japanese in their bones, and more importantly, their fear of China's development...

The primary school in Xiangtan County won the first prize in the provincial youth space robot competition project challenge!

The primary school in Xiangtan County won the first prize in the provincial youth space robot competition project challenge!

It is understood that in addition to six traditional competitions, including the robot inheritance challenge, the robot comprehensive skills competition, the robot intelligent relay competition, the UAV programming competition, the robot engineering challenge, and the Scratch on-site creative programming competition, this competition will also add four new competitions, namely, the space football challenge, the space star competition, the Tianluodiwang space challenge, and the Paper plane holding up the space dream. 333 teams and 850 students from 14 cities (prefectures) in the province participated...

Why does Yang Liwei have to carry a gun before going into space? It's not against aliens. The lessons of the Soviet Union should not be forgotten

Why does Yang Liwei have to carry a gun before going into space? It's not against aliens. The lessons of the Soviet Union should not be forgotten

On October 15, 2003,Yang Liwei successfully completed the space flight mission. Shortly afterwards, CCTV began to interview him...