Stop pretending? Foxconn revealed its true face after being investigated, but Gou Taiming issued a statement warning

Stop pretending? Foxconn revealed its true face after being investigated, but Gou Taiming issued a statement warning

Thank you for watching this article,Your support is the biggest driving force on our creative journeyPost observation perceptionThis article delves deeply into the complex relationship between enterprises and countries in the era of globalization, especially taking Foxconn, a contract manufacturing giant, as an example. This article focuses on the analysis of Foxconn's decision to close the production capacity in Chinese Mainland, build factories in Southeast Asia, and the accompanying tax investigation and public opinion disturbance...

Huawei: The rumor that Huawei has issued a statement rejecting Foxconn's request for OEM is purely fabricated

Huawei: The rumor that Huawei has issued a statement rejecting Foxconn's request for OEM is purely fabricated

On the evening of October 8th, the official account of Huawei Group issued a statement to dispel rumors.The statement stated that the online rumor that "Huawei has issued a statement rejecting Foxconn's OEM request" is purely a rumor, and the rumormonger is baseless and unfounded...

China's statement: Welcome to apply to join!

China's statement: Welcome to apply to join!

According to Reuters on October 3rd, China's goal is to become a space power by 2030. Recently,The country has initiated international cooperation on key lunar missions...

Youku has released a rumor refuting statement: TFBOYS online concert prices are not true, and all users can purchase them

Youku has released a rumor refuting statement: TFBOYS online concert prices are not true, and all users can purchase them

On July 24th, the official Weibo account of "Youku" released a statement:The TFBOYS Ten Year Promise concert will be live streamed online and will be invoiced at 13:58 today. The online price is not accurate, and there is no need for members or "ticket grabbing"...

Tencent's WeChat team issued a statement: deeply sorry, immediate correction

Tencent's WeChat team issued a statement: deeply sorry, immediate correction

@The Tencent WeChat team has just released the latest statement on the issue of university fee rates:Several universities announced to stop WeChat Pay from July 1, and Tencent respondedRecently, many universities across the country announced that WeChat Pay will be suspended from July 1.In the afternoon of June 29, when the reporter opened the official website of Northwest University, Northwest University said that, because Tencent WeChat Pay will carry out fine management on campus scene users, except for tuition fees, other charges will be limited and 0...