Shang Tang: Alibaba subsidiary has completed share sale

Shang Tang: Alibaba subsidiary has completed share sale

On July 21st, Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report reported that in the afternoon of today, Shang Tang announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that the company had been notified by Taobao Holdings Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Alibaba Group, that it had orderly sold all of its Class B shares in the company, and as of the announcement date, such sales arrangements had been completed. Taobao Holding Limited's existing business dealings with the group will not be affected...

Legendary veteran of TSMC, Jiang Shangyi, appointed as the chairman of Xunfeng, promoting the A-share listing of its subsidiary

Legendary veteran of TSMC, Jiang Shangyi, appointed as the chairman of Xunfeng, promoting the A-share listing of its subsidiary

On June 28th, IT Home reported that the semiconductor packaging factory Xunfeng, invested by Hon Hai Group, held a shareholders' meeting today,Legendary veteran of TSMC, Jiang Shangyi, will serve as the chairman of the company. COO 3 ...