The largest hydropower station in China! Why is the installed capacity nearly three times that of the Three Gorges being fully opposed by Indians?

The largest hydropower station in China! Why is the installed capacity nearly three times that of the Three Gorges being fully opposed by Indians?

#Everything we see and get is very scientific#TibetKnown asThe Asian Water TowerDue to its uniqueterrainandenvironmental resource Multiple rivers such as the Yangtze River, Yellow River, and Lancang River have been nurtured, and China has also built multiple hydropower stations along these rivers. The most well-known among Chinese people isChina's largest hydropower station - Three Gorges Hydropower Station...

Yihi Car Rental Launches

Yihi Car Rental Launches "7.17 Travel Festival" for the First Time

Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report: On July 18th, Yihi Car Rental announced the first launch of the "7.17 Travel Festival", which includes five major summer self driving travel benefits and benefits for self driving users...

Jiangmen: Shangchuan Island National Weather Test Radar successfully captured the

Jiangmen: Shangchuan Island National Weather Test Radar successfully captured the "eye of typhoon" for the first time

Article/Yangcheng Evening News All media reporter Peng Jining Correspondent Tan Yaoguang Xu JinlinThe reporter learned from the Jiangmen Meteorological Bureau that according to the requirements of the China Meteorological Administration and the provincial meteorological bureau that "fully recognize the important role and significance of the Shangchuan Island national weather test radar, do a good job in meeting the typhoon test, complete the radar monitoring test and upload the data to the network", under the remote guidance of the provincial meteorological bureau data center and the Shanwei radar experts, The monitoring data of Shangchuan Island National Weather Test Radar was successfully uploaded to the provincial meteorological bureau's business network for use by the provincial forecasters. At 8:00 on the 17th, the radar successfully captured the clear "typhoon eye" of Typhoon "Taili"...

Cradle of the New Generation Aircraft! JF-22 Ultra High Speed Wind Tunnel has passed acceptance and can reproduce flight conditions at 30 times sound speed

Cradle of the New Generation Aircraft! JF-22 Ultra High Speed Wind Tunnel has passed acceptance and can reproduce flight conditions at 30 times sound speed

In the development process of various types of aircraft, a large number of simulation flight experiments are required, but it is impossible to actually frequently test fly the aircraft in the sky. Therefore, wind tunnels have emerged, which is equivalent to artificially building a "flying sky" on the ground and is an essential large-scale aerodynamic experimental device for developing aircraft...

Latest App User Count Exceeds 100 Million Time consuming Ranking: WeChat Has Not Even Ranked in the Top Three

Latest App User Count Exceeds 100 Million Time consuming Ranking: WeChat Has Not Even Ranked in the Top Three

Recently, Mobile China noticed that relevant institutions have created a ranking list based on the time when the number of users of major apps has exceeded 100 million. It is worth noting that before 2022, the first APP on this list should be TikTok, the overseas version of Tiktok...

Chinese scientists won the highest international Organic geochemistry award for the first time

Chinese scientists won the highest international Organic geochemistry award for the first time

On July 12, the 33rd International Geochemistry Conference was held in Lyon, France. Academician Xie Shucheng, academician of the CAS Member and director of the State Key Laboratory of Biogeology and Environmental Geology of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), won the Alfred Tribbs Award, the highest award in the field of international Organic geochemistry, in recognition of his outstanding contributions in the field of geological lipid molecules and isotopes...

6G+data center+Chiplet+satellite+millimeter wave radar+space-time Big data related big summary

6G+data center+Chiplet+satellite+millimeter wave radar+space-time Big data related big summary


CUHK team discovers nickel based high-temperature superconductor for the first time in the world

CUHK team discovers nickel based high-temperature superconductor for the first time in the world

Scientific researchers show new nickel based High-temperature superconductivity materialsProfessor Wang Meng (middle) and team studentsYangcheng Evening News reporter Chen LiangOn July 12, the international academic journal Nature published the scientific achievement led by Professor Wang Meng of Sun Yat-sen University: the first discovery of nickel oxide superconductor at liquid nitrogen temperature. This is a new High-temperature superconductivity system first discovered by Chinese scientists in the world...

Is the image of Titan Submersible underwater debris exposed for the first time, or does it sink in the last minute?

Is the image of Titan Submersible underwater debris exposed for the first time, or does it sink in the last minute?

Is the image of Titan Submersible underwater debris exposed for the first time, or does it sink in the last minute Mp32:56From Huanu Saying the WorldThe first exposure of the underwater debris image of the Titan Submersible has attracted worldwide attention. According to a deep charcoal colored underwater map assembled from sonar images, the wreckage of the Titanic is located on the right side of the bow, very close to it...

US regulatory agencies are taking action for the first time! OpenAI officially investigated by FTC: generating false information poses risks

US regulatory agencies are taking action for the first time! OpenAI officially investigated by FTC: generating false information poses risks

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) may investigate OpenAI, the developer of the Chatbot ChatGPT, on consumer protection issues.On July 13 local time, CNN reported that the Federal Trade Commission of the United States was investigating whether OpenAI violated consumer protection laws, and asked OpenAI to provide a large number of records about the possibility of its processing personal data, providing inaccurate information to users, and "the risk of damage to consumers (including reputation damage)"...

The price has skyrocketed four times! Netizen: I can't afford it anymore!

The price has skyrocketed four times! Netizen: I can't afford it anymore!

Source: Nanguo JinbaoLast summer, the "Ice Cream Assassin" was widely discussed,Few people notice that,This summer,Considered by many people as a 'life-saving straw' when their phones run out of powerShared power banks are becoming a new 'price assassin'.These two days, Ms...

100 times faster than Wi Fi! Li Fi wireless transmission standard 802.11bb officially released

100 times faster than Wi Fi! Li Fi wireless transmission standard 802.11bb officially released

Everyone is familiar with Wi Fi, and the latest standard has evolved to 802.11be, known as Wi Fi 7, with a theoretical speed of up to 30Gbps...