Amazon is testing and launching artificial intelligence image generation tools

Amazon is testing and launching artificial intelligence image generation tools

On October 26th, Amazon announced that it is testing and launching an artificial intelligence image generation tool aimed at eliminating creative barriers and enabling brands to create lifestyle images that help improve advertising effectiveness.The image generation function is easy to use and does not require any technical expertise...

Recommend 3 AI writing tools, which can be used domestically without spending money. Write a popular article in 5 minutes!

Recommend 3 AI writing tools, which can be used domestically without spending money. Write a popular article in 5 minutes!

Many new self media players often complain in their operations: they are outputting content every day and don't know what to write/shoot for a long time? If you also have such troubles, then don't miss out on the three domestic AI writing tools recommended for you today. You can write articles and video scripts in 5 minutes!1...

How can the big model from

How can the big model from "toys" to "tools" truly empower the industry?

At the end of last month, Shanghai's first large-scale model incubation acceleration carrier, the Shanghai "Model Speed Space" innovative ecological community, was unveiled on the west bank of Xuhui. Xuhui District has taken the lead in building a large-scale industrial ecological cluster in Shanghai, gathering nearly 200 upstream and downstream enterprises...

News from the West, Russian factories are coming to a standstill! China has made significant progress in high-end machine tools

News from the West, Russian factories are coming to a standstill! China has made significant progress in high-end machine tools

followRussia's precision machining machines have been subject to remote lockdown sanctions from Western countries. According to reports, these machine tools were locked by remote control, causing the factory workshop to come to a standstill...

Unable to hide, Midjournal+SD=Ultra High Resolution! Professional super scoring tools have been instantly killed

Unable to hide, Midjournal+SD=Ultra High Resolution! Professional super scoring tools have been instantly killed

Fengse Originates from Aofei TempleQuantum bit | official account QbitAIThe gameplay of Twitter user @ JaviLopez is amazing.Topaz Gigapixel, a resolution enhancement tool specifically designed for photographers, makes me feel guilty after watching itIt is reported that this method is applicable to any type of image and any type of AI generation...

How should we choose between domestic BI tools, Sailsoft BI and Guanyuan BI? Strike the key point in one article

How should we choose between domestic BI tools, Sailsoft BI and Guanyuan BI? Strike the key point in one article

Many friends have sent me private messages asking me to provide an evaluation of domestic BI tools. Today, we will start the first phase:Sail Soft VS View FarStill put the evaluation elements first:(1) ToolsMost of the objects targeted by BI are still business personnel and professional data analysts, soIs the tool easy to useIs the interactive experience silky and smoothas well asDo you have sufficient learning resourcesLargely determines the useras well as...

2023 Digital Expo, Journalists Experience Media Tools for the Future

2023 Digital Expo, Journalists Experience Media Tools for the Future

"At present, we are at a new starting point. This is a new era of AI with the big model as the core...

New tools enable literature retrieval to enter AI mode

New tools enable literature retrieval to enter AI mode

Science and Technology Daily, Beijing, May 30th (Reporter He Liang) Searching and reading literature is a basic task in scientific research. According to statistics, researchers spend about 51% of their research time searching and digesting scientific and technological data...