If there are such

If there are such "symptoms" on the phone, it is necessary to immediately turn it off. Multiple people have already been transferred through "gaps"

If your phone experiences such "symptoms", be sure to immediately shut down it to prevent the mobile account from being transferred through "gaps".With the rapid development of technology, mobile phones have penetrated into our daily lives, providing great convenience for our lives, and also endowing us with rich ways of entertainment and information acquisition...

The 13 kilometer tunnel has been repaired for 14 years! How many Chinese engineers have turned their green hair into white hair as tunnels turn into water curtains

The 13 kilometer tunnel has been repaired for 14 years! How many Chinese engineers have turned their green hair into white hair as tunnels turn into water curtains

You may have heard of it,China has a tunnel with a total length of only 13.39 kilometers, but it took 14 years to complete,What's going on here?This tunnel is the Shanyang Tunnel of the Dali Ruili Railway,It is known as the most difficult railway tunnel for surrounding rock excavation in China, and sometimes even becomes a "water curtain tunnel",Causing headaches for engineers...

Shenzhou 16 failed to return? Netizens found that after rolling a few laps, dust started to rise. What is the reason?

Shenzhou 16 failed to return? Netizens found that after rolling a few laps, dust started to rise. What is the reason?

Shenzhou 16 failed to return? Netizens have noticed that it has rolled a few times and dust is rising all over. What is the reason Wav7:10From Lala, take you to see the worldPreface:The return journey of the Shenzhou 16 manned spacecraft is full of uncertainty and challenges...

Do you still remember 'Xiao Ma Yun'? After being returned to the countryside by capital, the current situation is too bleak!

Do you still remember 'Xiao Ma Yun'? After being returned to the countryside by capital, the current situation is too bleak!

On that warm spring day of 2015, in Yanhui Village, Shima Town, Xiaocun Village, Ji'an, Jiangxi, a small event changed everything here.This small village was rarely known before, until a netizen accidentally passed by and saw a little boy named Fan Xiaoqin...

In 2003, Zhai Zhigang returned home from an air mission to visit his family and was in time for his mother's funeral, crying bitterly while holding an urn

In 2003, Zhai Zhigang returned home from an air mission to visit his family and was in time for his mother's funeral, crying bitterly while holding an urn

On October 31, 2023, after six astronauts successfully completed the space handover, the return module of the Shenzhou 16 spacecraft landed safely and smoothly, marking a new stage in China's aerospace industry.In recent years, China's aviation industry has entered a new stage of development, and a group of outstanding aerospace heroes have emerged...

Sacrifice too much! Why was the astronaut's face swollen and carried away after leaving the spacecraft after the return of God Sixteen?

Sacrifice too much! Why was the astronaut's face swollen and carried away after leaving the spacecraft after the return of God Sixteen?

The Great Contribution of Astronauts: The Cost and Achievements of Exploring the UniverseThe exploration of the universe by humans has always been a fascinating topic.Whether it's the lunar landing program, the International Space Station, or recent space exploration missions, the mysteries of the universe attract scientists and astronauts to conduct countless experiments and explorations one after another...

Donating 8 billion yuan to the United States, but now wanting to return to China to

Donating 8 billion yuan to the United States, but now wanting to return to China to "raise money", netizens shout: Get out!

followIn 2016,Chen Tianqiao80followWhy would he rather donate to foreign universities than support China's scientific research?Chen Tianqiao.get out of hereChen TianqiaoFormer richest man donates money to the United States, causing controversyChen Tianqiao200431...

Shenzhou 16 failed to return? Netizens have noticed that it has rolled several times and dust is rising everywhere. What is the reason?

Shenzhou 16 failed to return? Netizens have noticed that it has rolled several times and dust is rising everywhere. What is the reason?

The return process of Shenzhou 16 has attracted a lot of attention and discussion, especially during the landing, there were some unusual situations, including dust rising and the return module rolling several times. But in fact, these situations do not mean that the mission has failed and the astronauts have safely returned...

Why would a spacecraft go through the atmosphere at high speed, regardless of the cost of burning, when it returns to Earth?

Why would a spacecraft go through the atmosphere at high speed, regardless of the cost of burning, when it returns to Earth?

Crossing the black barrier is the most dangerous moment for astronauts returning to Earth, and this area is also known as the black barrier. During this process, the exterior of the return capsule will be burned red due to high-speed friction...

Why doesn't India's return module turn black when the same spacecraft lands? Are we not as skilled as humans?

Why doesn't India's return module turn black when the same spacecraft lands? Are we not as skilled as humans?

Editor | Can Ya Wen ShiPicture and Text | Can Ya Wen ShiPreface:On October 31st, the Shenzhou 16 manned spacecraft successfully arrived in Beijing, butThe burnt black return capsuleBut it has attracted huge controversy from netizens.What's even more strange is that recentlyThe return capsule salvaged from the water in India was actually intact,There is no sign of being burnt at all...

The return module of Shenzhou 16 spacecraft successfully landed

The return module of Shenzhou 16 spacecraft successfully landed

According to the China Manned Space Engineering Office, at 8:11 am on October 31, the return module of the Shenzhou 16 manned spacecraft successfully landed at the Dongfeng landing site. Three astronauts, Jing Haipeng, Zhu Yangzhu, and Gui Haichao, were in good health, and the Shenzhou 16 manned flight mission was a complete success...

Watching Shenzhou 16 Return: People without any sense of patriotism are really not suitable for selecting astronauts

Watching Shenzhou 16 Return: People without any sense of patriotism are really not suitable for selecting astronauts

The three words' astronaut 'are sacred and distant to us ordinary people, and even if many people love it, they can only consider it as a dream.For those true astronauts, it is love, responsibility, responsibility, structure, ambition, and mission, and in their hearts, national interests are above all else...