Be careful when watching pornographic videos on your phone at night!

Be careful when watching pornographic videos on your phone at night!

Therefore, through big data anti pornography technology, these illegal information can be effectively identified and processed, ensuring network security and social stability. 2...

How to prevent and treat the

How to prevent and treat the "mobile phone disease" caused by "internet addiction in the elderly" by staying up late to watch videos and live streaming?

Source: Taiwan Strait NetworkOn October 24th, Taiwan Strait News reported that "addicted to the internet, unable to extricate oneself!" Previously, this was about children; Nowadays, it's about the elderly. My parents came to Xiamen to see me...

Just discovered! By pressing this button on WeChat, you can create photos into videos and learn how to use them effectively

Just discovered! By pressing this button on WeChat, you can create photos into videos and learn how to use them effectively

Do you know? By pressing this switch on WeChat, you can directly create photos into videos, as well as add music and text, which is both beautiful and advanced! Hello friends, I am Xiaojun, a blogger who focuses on knowledge sharing. When we play WeChat, do we usually like to post or browse our social media? When we browse our social media, we often find that many people's social media posts have a video style, music, and subtitles, which are very beautiful...

Kwai has supported the promotion of stores through short videos to improve the liquidity of creators

Kwai has supported the promotion of stores through short videos to improve the liquidity of creators

[Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report] Recently, Kwai E-commerce released the "Management Rules for Short Video Promotion Stores", announcing that the platform has supported short video attached stores to "fully open up content and shelves".It is understood that when merchants and "influencers" publish short videos, they only need to check "Associated Store" in the "Author Service" to connect the store with the video author...

Urgent reminder! Beware of those who love to browse short videos!

Urgent reminder! Beware of those who love to browse short videos!

nowadaysSwipe short videosHas become everyoneOne of the common ways of entertainmentBut if one doesn't pay attentionCould fall into the trap of a scammerIn carefully designed trapsrecentlyLocal public security organs have receivedMs. Li's alarmClaiming to have been deceived by the "customer service" of a certain short video platformoriginalWhen Ms...