How to prevent and treat the "mobile phone disease" caused by "internet addiction in the elderly" by staying up late to watch videos and live streaming?

Source: Taiwan Strait NetworkOn October 24th, Taiwan Strait News reported that "addicted to the internet, unable to extricate oneself!" Previously, this was about children; Nowadays, it's about the elderly. My parents came to Xiamen to see me

Source: Taiwan Strait Network

On October 24th, Taiwan Strait News reported that "addicted to the internet, unable to extricate oneself!" Previously, this was about children; Nowadays, it's about the elderly. My parents came to Xiamen to see me. They love playing with their phones even more than me, and 'phone control' is even heavier than me. "" My grandfather, who is in his 70s, is even more uncomfortable not playing with his phone than eating less. "" The first thing I do when I wake up is to pick up my phone next to my pillow, and even hide under the bed before going to bed, I have to scan videos

Yesterday was the Double Ninth Festival. The newspaper reporter noticed that the elderly are actively embracing the digital age and using smartphones to bridge the "digital divide" is becoming increasingly trendy. However, during the survey and interview, the reporter also found that with the diversification of entertainment functions on smart devices, many elderly people are deeply trapped in "playing with their phones", suffering from "internet addiction" and causing many "bad problems", even affecting their health.


Every morning at 6 o'clock, I turn on "surfing" and can only sleep with my phone at night

I thought my parents would only occasionally use videos as a pastime, but it wasn't until the magical laughter and vulgar background music of short videos echoed throughout the house that I realized that my parents were deeply poisoned. "Speaking of the series of abnormal behaviors that occurred after my parents became addicted to" brushing their phones, "Miss Tu was both shocked and helpless.

This year's Mid Autumn Festival National Day holiday, Miss Tu's parents came to Xiamen from their hometown for an 8-day long holiday. It was not the alarm clock at 7 am on weekdays that woke Miss Tu up, but the short video music played on her parents' phones at 6 am in the morning. People haven't woken up yet, they have already started to watch videos. "Miss Tu found that at home, no matter where they go or what they are doing, their parents have to" watch videos ".

Miss Tu noticed that during the short ten meter journey from the living room to the kitchen, her mother would stop to check her phone and forget to go to the kitchen, then unconsciously return to the living room and continue to play the video. She used to like to clean her house spotless, but this time in Xiamen, she rarely touches the housework.

Cooking food is my father's greatest pleasure, but now he likes to watch small videos of "watching a movie in five minutes" while cooking. Once, I was so fascinated that I stood by the stove and burned the dishes. In the past, my father used to clock in on WeChat every day after dinner, rain or shine. This time, when I came to Xiamen, I stayed indoors after dinner, sat on the sofa, didn't get up for a few hours, smoked and scanned videos until late at night.

What shocked and worried Miss Tu the most was that her father had to hold his phone to fall asleep. My dad is someone who can sleep with just a touch of a pillow, and now he can't sleep without holding his phone. "One afternoon, she suggested that his father stop playing with his phone and take a nap for a while. His father did the same, but he abnormally struggled to fall asleep until he picked up his phone to swipe a video and had to listen to the serialized story of a short video before feeling sleepy.

Rumors of "keeping up with current events" flying into homes like snowflakes

On the internet, it's said that we won't be able to buy clean salt in the future, and everyone is grabbing it. We quickly went to stock up on some. "" The government has issued a policy that after October 1st this year, elderly people over 60 will buy train tickets at a 50% discount. Have you heard that? "... Mr. Jiang never expected that online rumors would fly into his home like snowflakes, and his parents holding their phones to" keep up with current events "would become the" player "of online rumors, and the elderly's emotions would also fluctuate accordingly, The previous moment of anxiety, the next moment of ecstasy, and rumors spreading at home easily shattered Mr. Jiang's peaceful and peaceful life.

So, "refuting rumors" became his daily routine: using official authorities to release reminders, analyzing with scientific knowledge, and taking his parents out to see the actual situation. However, most of the time, parents are very stubborn and will use those online videos that are cut off, randomly pieced together, and maliciously edited to argue with him: "What you said is reasonable, but so many people have captured the videos, is it fake? It's impossible

Mr. Jiang's experience has different versions in different families, and netizen Ms. Liang is facing a mother who is addicted to health preservation. Previously, she believed in the traditional 'old ways' of her hometown, but now she watches health videos on her phone every day, which is gradually outrageous. "Ms. Liang said that when she works, she can receive various health links forwarded to her by her mother, and when she returns home, she switches to oral advice and practice, For example, "Eating onions to unblock blood vessels requires eating one every day", "Drinking vinegar can prolong life, and we drink 50 milliliters every day", "Watermelon is too sweet, it must have been injected with cyclamate, which is toxic", and so on.

Ms. Liang has also tried to persuade her mother to maintain a scientific lifestyle and not to believe health rumors on the internet, but every time she ends up arguing. Those folk remedies not only harm health, but also completely disrupt the normal pace of life, "Ms. Liang said helplessly.

The "old drifters" have left their homes and fallen into social difficulties, becoming addicted to the internet

Aunt Shen came to Xiamen from her hometown of Mianyang, Sichuan a year ago to help take care of her granddaughter. For her, although she enjoyed the joy of family, she also felt that she had distanced herself from relatives and friends, and had become self isolated. There are no friends, no one to communicate with, and the neighbors across the street have no contact. The geographical span from southwest to southern Fujian makes Aunt Shen's life with her granddaughter in Xiamen uncomfortable. When it comes to socializing outside, she is even more distressed: "I speak Sichuan dialect, but others don't understand; they speak Minnan dialect, and I don't understand either, so I simply don't want to go out. It's difficult for us to rebuild our social circle at this age, and we don't have much free time. We're busy cooking, cleaning, and looking after children, and we can only swipe our phones in our leisure time

Also addicted to mobile phones is Uncle Zhao, who has just learned how to use smartphones. His son roast that his father spent at least 8 hours watching his mobile phone every day. Sometimes he even saw one or two o'clock in the morning. He often had brunch together. In addition to picking up and seeing off his grandchildren, he also had less communication with his family and friends. "He often immersed himself in the Internet world, which is no different from today's' Internet addicted 'teenagers".

It is understood that many elderly people with "internet addiction" are "old drifters". In order to help their children take care of them, they often leave their hometown where they have lived for decades, and are prone to problems such as acclimatization, living environment discomfort, and social difficulties. However, they also have high social needs. Under the contradiction, many elderly people place their needs online to seek companionship and emotional support.


Excessive use of eyes during the holiday, "flying mosquitoes" come one after another

During the 8-day long holiday of the Mid Autumn Festival and National Day, many people had a "indulgent" holiday. For newly retired Zhou, as his children have all gone on trips, he is even more leisurely at home. He can simply "lie flat" and play with his phone every day, and watch videos and live broadcasts every night until two or three in the morning.

Due to his intense eye frequency, Lao Zhou has recently felt something flickering in front of him, flying around like a mosquito, which is particularly annoying. At the Xiamen Ophthalmology Center for examination, Lao Zhou was informed that he had "flying mosquito disease" in both eyes.

Wang Xiaobo, Deputy Chief Physician of the Fundus Disease Center of Xiamen Ophthalmology Center, explained that "flying mosquito syndrome" refers to a visual symptom similar to flying mosquitoes that appears in front of the eyes. It is not the actual appearance of mosquitoes, and its official name is "vitreous opacity" or "vitreous plankton". Due to the rapid popularity of smartphones, prolonged eye contact time and accelerated aging of the vitreous body, many retired elderly people have joined the group of "flying mosquito disease" patients.

Wang Xiaobo pointed out that to avoid suffering from "fly mosquito disease", the first thing to pay attention to is daily routines and eye habits, ensure sufficient sleep, and be careful not to overuse your eyes. Try to reduce the usage time of your phone and computer screen as much as possible, and avoid turning off the lights to play with your phone. Properly supplement the nutrients needed for the eyes, eat a balanced diet, eat seafood rich in trace elements such as iodine, zinc, selenium, and vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin A.

Auntie's repeated headaches are actually due to her addiction to watching live streaming

Auntie Chen, who is 66 years old, was a high school teacher before retiring and usually maintained good physical condition. Two years ago, after retiring, Aunt Chen had more free time. Like a young person, she also started using her phone and became addicted to watching live broadcasts. Sometimes she watched live streaming, sometimes she watched online connections, and sometimes she watched online shopping, often for several hours at a time.

Half a year ago, Aunt Chen suddenly felt a constant headache and had repeated attacks for a long time. She often needed to take painkillers to relieve it slightly, and she often had headaches and couldn't sleep all night. This problem has been bothering her for a long time. She has been to many hospitals and has taken a lot of medicine, but it's not good.

Recently, Aunt Chen visited the Pain Clinic of Xiamen Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital for medical examination and imaging. It was confirmed that her headache was not a head problem, but rather a cervical spondylosis.

Zhu Xu, chief physician of Pain Clinic, said that the incidence rate of cervical headache was relatively high among the people who worked on the desk and played with mobile phones for a long time. The working efficiency, attention and memory of the patients with the long course of disease were reduced, and they were depressed, irritable, irritable, and prone to fatigue. The quality of life and work was significantly reduced.

After one course of treatment, Aunt Chen's headache has basically relieved.

Daily use of mobile phones, "internet addiction in the elderly", blood sugar skyrocketing

Aunt Zhou, who has just retired, has suffered from hypertension and diabetes for many years. She used to go downstairs for a few laps after dinner, but since she learned to play Tiktok, her lifestyle has changed. She mainly brushes her mobile phone and has become an "Internet addicted elderly" in her family. Recently, she has been feeling dizzy and weak. She went to the community hospital to monitor her blood sugar before and after meals three times and found that her blood sugar had increased.

Her daughter took her to see a doctor. The doctor said that sedentary behavior is an important risk factor for hypertension and cardiovascular disease, and sedentary behavior will significantly increase the risk of diabetes. Lying down for a long time and playing with mobile phones also belong to sedentary behavior. At the same time, sleep is closely related to the onset of diabetes. Short sleep time and poor sleep quality will affect blood sugar control and induce complications.

Indulging in playing with mobile phones while using the restroom, Uncle ruptures hemorrhoids

Mr. Xu, who is 70 years old, always finds blood spurting out when going to the bathroom recently. This really scared him a lot and he quickly went to the Department of Anorectal Surgery at Xiamen Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital for treatment.

Dr. Zhang Zhiqian, who received the consultation, inquired in detail about Mr. Xu's medical history. Mr. Xu recalled that since he learned how to play the game of fighting against landlords on his phone, he always played with his phone and played cards with his friends when going to the bathroom, "occupying" the bathroom at home for a long time.

Zhang Zhiqian conducted a careful examination of Mr. Xu's anus and rectum, and found that Mr. Xu had severe bleeding. He recommended hospitalization for surgical treatment. After receiving treatment from the hospital, Mr. Xu finally recovered his health.

Zhang Zhiqian said that domestic research has shown that many people have used electronic devices (mainly mobile phones) to varying degrees when going to the bathroom, and their average toilet time is more than twice that of those who do not use mobile phones. The prolongation of toilet time significantly increases the probability of developing anal and intestinal diseases such as hemorrhoids.

Expert advice

Children's companionship is a good way to prevent and treat elderly people's "mobile phone disease"

Expert advice

In order to enrich cultural and sports activities for the elderly, establish a positive outlook on aging among the elderly population in Xiamen, and promote healthy aging, in recent years, Xiamen has carried out various forms and rich content of respecting, loving, and helping the elderly activities.

Up dog pose, down dog pose, bow pose, wheel pose... In the soothing light music, Zhou Yulian proficiently performs a complete set of yoga movements, stretching her limbs and relaxing her body and mind. She attended yoga classes with her at the community senior college, as well as more than 30 "old babies" living in Fumei Community, Dongfu Street, Haicang. Two yoga classes and one physical exercise class per week, as well as volunteering in the community, have significantly improved Zhou Yulian's physical fitness, energy, and spirit.

Fumei Community is a newly established community with the construction of Maluanwan New City, and its residents come from all over the world. Two years ago, Dingmei Village was demolished, and Zhou Yulian moved into the Jiamei resettlement house. She left her original place of residence and moved into a high-rise building. Apart from watching TV and playing with her phone, Zhou Yulian didn't know what else to do. It wasn't until the community senior university opened a public interest class that she put down her phone.

The curriculum of community elderly universities is very rich, with 19 courses opened this autumn and nearly 240 students enrolled. Grandma Chen, who came to class, told the newspaper reporter that she has a very fulfilling life every day and doesn't have time to use her phone. She doesn't like the way she used to say that her family is short in the village, and her whole mind has opened up.

Lin Qianru, the person in charge of the teaching site of Fumei Community Elderly University, said that a major feature of Fumei Community teaching site is to explore local resources and form a positive interactive mode. In the future, the community only needs to provide a platform, and elderly people are fully capable of "operating" their own classrooms.

At the same time, after 6 years of development, Xiamen has established 57 "Golden Autumn Elderly Parks", covering 6 districts in the city. Zhang Peijun, Vice President and Secretary General of the Xiamen Elderly Foundation, stated that the Jinqiu Elderly Park provides a well-equipped and multifunctional activity venue for the elderly, providing support and assistance for grassroots elderly people to carry out rich and colorful spiritual and cultural life. It has formed a unique healthy aging brand, which is deeply loved by the elderly in Xiamen and praised by society.

In addition to providing more platforms for sports, tourism, gaming, and socializing for the elderly, experts believe that letting the elderly put down their phones and providing companionship and care for their children is even more "good medicine".

According to relevant data, the elderly "mobile phone control" group, with a high proportion of "elderly drifters" and "left behind elderly people", has become a major spiritual support for them due to being in unfamiliar environments or having their children idle around. Many elderly people are addicted to their phones because of loneliness. Children and other family members should provide more companionship, care, and guidance to the elderly, chat and make phone calls with them, and use visible companionship to make the elderly look good.

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