Topic V: A 19-year-old girl wearing headphones to sleep causes ear bleeding. How long do you usually wear headphones?

Topic V: A 19-year-old girl wearing headphones to sleep causes ear bleeding. How long do you usually wear headphones?

For many people, using headphones has become a part of life. When walking, cycling, taking public transportation, or leisure entertainment, they will wear headphones to listen to music, make phone calls, and follow dramas...

Wearing stockings and waiting for me

Wearing stockings and waiting for me ", the work group is displaying indecent information! The company claims to have been invaded by a virus, but network security experts say it is unlikely

On July 15th, a screenshot of a WeChat chat was widely circulated online and attracted widespread attention.A screenshot of the online chat shows that at 10:07 pm, a person named "Provincial Government Office" sent three indecent messages in a row: "Has your husband gone out yet?" "Wait for me to go to your house?" "Wear stockings and wait for me...