China's richest woman replacement: She made her debut on the list, while Yang Huiyan's wealth significantly decreased and she ranked fifth

China's richest woman replacement: She made her debut on the list, while Yang Huiyan's wealth significantly decreased and she ranked fifth

According to the Hurun Rich website, the Hurun Research Institute released the "2023 Beauty Club Hurun Women Entrepreneurs List" on November 14th, listing the top 50 women entrepreneurs on this year's Hurun Rich List. Among them, Kuang Xiaoqing, the wife of Sun Hung Kai founder Guo Desheng, saw her wealth rise by 2...

In 2003, Zhai Zhigang returned home from an air mission to visit his family and was in time for his mother's funeral, crying bitterly while holding an urn

In 2003, Zhai Zhigang returned home from an air mission to visit his family and was in time for his mother's funeral, crying bitterly while holding an urn

On October 31, 2023, after six astronauts successfully completed the space handover, the return module of the Shenzhou 16 spacecraft landed safely and smoothly, marking a new stage in China's aerospace industry.In recent years, China's aviation industry has entered a new stage of development, and a group of outstanding aerospace heroes have emerged...

Tofu residue engineering? The Chinese space station costs 8 billion US dollars, while the international space station costs 100 billion US dollars

Tofu residue engineering? The Chinese space station costs 8 billion US dollars, while the international space station costs 100 billion US dollars

Could you please click on the top right corner of the old manFollowIt not only facilitates your discussion and sharing, but also brings you a different sense of participation. Thank you for your support!Article | Center of the Last CenturyEditor | Last Century CenterprefaceWith the successful docking of China's Shenzhou 16 spacecraft with the Tiangong Space Station, China's aerospace industry has taken another step forward...

The Jiaolong suddenly lost contact while diving into the depths of 7000, but was it because the divers were catching sea cucumbers?

The Jiaolong suddenly lost contact while diving into the depths of 7000, but was it because the divers were catching sea cucumbers?

On June 24, 2012, the Jiaolong successfully sank to a depth of 7020 meters in the Mariana Trench, setting a Chinese record for manned depth. However, the Chinese people are not satisfied with the 7000 meter mark and still need to pursue victory...

On the evening of the 19th, can't you carry it anymore? The United States has officially announced a ban on lithography machines, while the Netherlands has sold me

On the evening of the 19th, can't you carry it anymore? The United States has officially announced a ban on lithography machines, while the Netherlands has sold me

Before reading this article, we sincerely invite you to click on 'Follow', which not only facilitates your discussion and sharing, but also brings you a different sense of participation. Thank you for your support...

The latest ranking of China's top ten airports! Shanghai Pudong cannot rank in the top five, while Daxing Airport can only rank third

The latest ranking of China's top ten airports! Shanghai Pudong cannot rank in the top five, while Daxing Airport can only rank third

The latest ranking of China's top ten airports! Shanghai Pudong cannot rank in the top five, while Daxing Airport can only rank thirdWe often say 'birds fly at high altitudes', but in China, the modern version of this sentence can be understood as' airplanes fly at high altitudes'. From early small regional airports to today's network of modern large airports, China's aviation journey can be described as a legendary story on paper...

Q2 2023 Indian smartphone market: vivo ranked first, while Xiaomi fell to third!

Q2 2023 Indian smartphone market: vivo ranked first, while Xiaomi fell to third!

On July 23rd, according to the latest research report released by market research firm Canalys, the shipment volume of smartphones in the Indian smartphone market reached 36.1 million units in the second quarter of 2023, a year-on-year decrease of only 1% and a month on month increase of 18%...

Why does Apple never use curved screens, while Android becomes a treasure? The answers from insiders are very realistic

Why does Apple never use curved screens, while Android becomes a treasure? The answers from insiders are very realistic

Preface:Why does Apple never use curved screens, while Android becomes a treasure? As a digital expert, I would like to explore this issue from multiple perspectives, analyze the differences in screen design between Apple and Android phones, and possible reasons.Firstly, we need to be clear that Apple has never truly adopted curved screens...

WeChat stated that it will not display 'read', while Tencent's PR Director stated that 'read' will increase the psychological burden and social pressure on information recipients

WeChat stated that it will not display 'read', while Tencent's PR Director stated that 'read' will increase the psychological burden and social pressure on information recipients

Recently, 'If WeChat shows read' has made it to the hot search and sparked discussions among netizens,Most netizens hold a negative attitude towards this.Netizen "Tuyi Le Ha" bluntly stated that if WeChat shows that they have read, they will be "sentenced" by their friends because they do not reply to messages but forget to reply...

Why do air conditioning merchants always say: laymen buy frequency converters, while laymen buy fixed frequencies? There is a significant difference between the two

Why do air conditioning merchants always say: laymen buy frequency converters, while laymen buy fixed frequencies? There is a significant difference between the two

Why do air conditioning merchants always say: laymen buy frequency converters, while laymen buy fixed frequencies? There is a significant difference between the twoWhen purchasing air conditioning, one often hears the following sentence:Non professionals buy frequency converters, while professionals buy fixed frequenciesSo, what are variable frequency air conditioners and fixed frequency air conditioners, and what are the differences between them?This article will provide a detailed explanation to help everyone better choose the right air conditioner for themselves.1...


Internet "Big Factory": Those who enter cannot access, while those outside want to enter

Large internet companies such as Tencent, Alibaba, and Byte are jokingly referred to as big factories due to their extensive business and scale, just like big factories. Internet giants with high salaries and abundant benefits, gathered in first tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, are high-quality jobs that many young people aspire to, and are even considered as indicators of successful employment...