Venus is cursed for being hot searched late at night! Sending the phrase 'pearl in your mouth, moving forward and backward freely' implies a pair of words that you understand

Venus is cursed for being hot searched late at night! Sending the phrase 'pearl in your mouth, moving forward and backward freely' implies a pair of words that you understand

Recently, a news about Dong Mingzhu, the chairman of Gree Electric Appliances, and Wang Zizi, the new channel manager, has attracted widespread attention on the internet. Dong Mingzhu invited Wang Ziyou to join Gree and appointed him as the Gree Channel Manager, which is seen as an important step in the reform of Gree Electric's channel...

I can still hear big words! Alibaba has completed the

I can still hear big words! Alibaba has completed the "aging friendly" transformation of over 9000 drugs

Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report: Big words can still be heard! On October 23rd, the Double Ninth Festival, Alibaba Health teamed up with Alibaba Public Welfare to leverage digital technology advantages and add new features to the drug boxes of over 9000 Chinese medicine approved drugs. As long as you open the traceability code or "Rest assured on the code" on the scan kit of Taobao or Alipay and click "Drug description", you can not only find the "large" drug description, such as usage and dosage, indications, adverse reactions, contraindications and other information at a glance; You can also experience the voice broadcasting function, allowing drug instructions to be both visible and audible, effectively solving the medication safety issues caused by elderly people's inability to read and understand instructions...

Be vigilant! When receiving the package, do not sign for these

Be vigilant! When receiving the package, do not sign for these "4 words" as many people have already been deceived!

Be vigilant! When receiving the package, do not sign for these "4 words" as many people have already been deceived!Due to the rapid development of e-commerce nowadays, many friends are starting to purchase things online. Regardless of the size of their homes, purchasing items online is always more cost-effective than purchasing from physical stores...

StableDiffusion's new gameplay is on fire! Given a few words, a dynamic graph can be generated

StableDiffusion's new gameplay is on fire! Given a few words, a dynamic graph can be generated

Xi Xiaoyao Technology Says OriginalityAuthor | Mini PlayLet's just talk about the development of large model AI and its assistance in unleashing people's imagination,The methods based on the StableDiffusion model bear the brunt. Through text description to image generation technology, large models have opened up a vast and dreamy world for our imagination...

Half a year after I replaced the

Half a year after I replaced the "water purifier" with "bottled water", some of the words I said were too true and unpleasant

For many friends, when decorating a water purifier, they may struggle to determine whether to install it or not.Most households nowadays may drink tap water...

After I changed the

After I changed the "Water filter" back to "barreled water", some words were too real

Andy, a writer/home appliance evaluatorAlthough the "Water filter" has become popular, it is undeniable that many families are gradually abandoning it and starting to invest in "barreled water" and "straight drinking water". Speaking of this, I discovered an interesting and ridiculous fact,In the 21st century, Water filter is not worth investing as barreled waterJust like in the 21st century, today's televisions are not as good as those in the 1980s and 1990s(Especially referring to advertisements flying around, inability to watch without members, poor quality of TV dramas, etc...