QQ Personality Network - QQ personality information, QQ personality signature, QQ personality network name, QQ avatar, QQ space code, and other QQ personality content
QQ Personalized Network is a personalized content publishing and sharing website targeting tens of millions of QQ users nationwide, currently enjoying high popularity among young netizens....
Apply for a QQ account
Mobile quick application fee: 1 yuan/item. Mobile users: Write a text message 8801 and send it to 10661700 (Hainan Mobile users write a text message 88011 and send it to 10661700) to obtain a QQ number. Unicom users: Write a text message 8801 and send it to 10661700 (Fujian Unicom users send it to 10621700) to obtain a QQ number....
Yahoo Messenger homepage
Yahoo Messenger homepage...
YY team voice official website - YY homepage yy.duowan.com
The best team voice tool, voice chat, guild voice, team management, team chat, dungeon voice, multiplayer voice chat, play yy, voice chat, guild voice, team voice, game voice...
Rainbow | Rainbow 2009 Download (formerly known as 51 Hanging) - Rainbow Official Website
Rainbow, the only official download website for Rainbow 2009, providing the latest version of Rainbow downloads....
Is/ispeak Official Website Game Voice Team Voice, the best voice platform for playing games - other websites are all viruses
Is/ispeak Official Website Game Voice Team Voice, the best voice platform for playing games - other websites are all viruses...
Ranger Online - TS Voice Chat
Ranger Online - TS Voice Chat...
Popo homepage
NetEase, NetEase Bubble, Popo...
Sina ut game
Sina UT Game's voice group chat is a team voice communication function developed for online game users and LAN game users. Even in the case of dial-up internet access, it can occupy minimal bandwidth, traverse firewalls, and provide clear and high-quality voice services. UT voice group chat can also be used for multiplayer voice conferences in business or home settings. At the same time, it provides basic friend management, guild server and channel management, text chat and other commonly used functions....
Baidu hi - greetings every day
Baidu hi - greetings every day...
Sina uc homepage_ Sina.com
Multiple IM chats, new highlights of UC. Enable your MSN/Yahoo/Talk account at any time during the conversation, making friends more connected. Login and exit are only done with one click, and secure and instant multi account operations make multi-party chatting more concise and easy to use...
Skype Simplified Chinese version official website - clearest free internet phone
Tom-skype is an ultra clear network telephone tool that allows for free computer to computer calls, while making domestic and international fixed mobile calls only requires a city call fee...