Former SpaceX executive: Immigration to Mars is just a

Former SpaceX executive: Immigration to Mars is just a "small goal" for Musk | Symbiosis Era Science Fiction Future

Cover News Reporter Bian Xue Intern Reporter Ma XiaoyuThis is a day that aviation enthusiasts will never forget.On April 20th Central Time, SpaceX's starship was launched into space but did not separate from the first stage rocket booster three minutes after liftoff as originally planned, and exploded and disintegrated in the air about four minutes later...

Exposure of Xianyu's

Exposure of Xianyu's "Another Identity": Pornographic transactions are rampant and can be directly "door-to-door service"

Xianyu is a second-hand trading platform, but recently it has been exposed that there is a problem of rampant pornography trading, and even sparked discussions about "door-to-door services". This issue is not only an impact on the image of the Xianyu platform, but also involves challenges in social governance and network regulation...


Hunan's "Can" Beidou | Global Beacon: Beidou Satellite Empowers Reading Wild Animal Stories with a "Small Collar"

Wildlife satellite tracking equipment.Red Net Moments News on October 21st(Reporter Wang Shiying, Li Saifeng, Liu Zhixiong) What are bats doing at night? The activity area of the wild Northeast tiger is 100 square kilometers Zhou Libo, Chairman of Hunan Global Xinshi Technology Co...

Opening up a new track in the field of life sciences

Opening up a new track in the field of life sciences

The New Journey of Strengthening China with Talents On October 18th, Professor Wang Fuding from South China University was invited by the University of Cambridge, Oxford, King's College London, and the University of Bath to conduct a 4-day academic exchange in the UK, giving a specially invited academic report on "Metal Ions and Iron Death". Ferroptosis was discovered as a unique programmed cell death mode in 2012...

Academicians and experts jointly discuss the innovative development of computer engineering and intelligent control

Academicians and experts jointly discuss the innovative development of computer engineering and intelligent control

Science and Technology Daily reporter Ye QingOn October 21st, the 21st Huacheng Academician Technology Summit and the Fourth Academic Conference on Computer Engineering and Intelligent Control (ICCEIC 2023) were held in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province. Experts and scholars from around the world participated in the conference in a "online+offline" manner...

Former Vice President of Capital Medical University, Academician Wang Songling, appointed as the Dean of the School of Medicine at Southern University of Science and Technology

Former Vice President of Capital Medical University, Academician Wang Songling, appointed as the Dean of the School of Medicine at Southern University of Science and Technology

The website of the School of Medicine of South University of Science and Technology recently updated that Wang Songling, an academician of the CAS Member and a member of the academic department of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, has been appointed as the dean of the School of Medicine of South University of Science and Technology.Wang SonglingWang Songling19621989Wang Songling24916720032010William J...

China's biological influenza virus split vaccine has passed pre certification by the World Health Organization

China's biological influenza virus split vaccine has passed pre certification by the World Health Organization

Chinese Biology20231020Chinese BiologyWHOChinese BiologyChinese BiologyThe influenza virus split vaccine produced by Changchun Institute of Biological Products has officially launched the pre certification work of the World Health Organization since 2015, and has undergone comprehensive and in-depth benchmarking with the latest international regulations and guidelines. After process changes and continuous optimization, the product quality standards have been continuously improved...

Alibaba Cloud has also been targeted, and the US has used the same tactics to strike China again? The Chinese side has shown key cards

Alibaba Cloud has also been targeted, and the US has used the same tactics to strike China again? The Chinese side has shown key cards

We're really here this time!According to the Wall Street Journal, the US is currently planning to completely cut off cloud services in China. In the future, chip companies such as Amazon and Microsoft may find it difficult to provide services to China without permission...

Technology Continuously Iterating Industry: Folding Screen Mobile Phone Track Gradually Increasing Public Awareness

Technology Continuously Iterating Industry: Folding Screen Mobile Phone Track Gradually Increasing Public Awareness

Against the backdrop of overall pressure on the smartphone market, high-end has become a common development direction for major manufacturers. As a sharp tool for conquering the high-end market, folding screen technology is gradually emerging in the market...

The glass curtain wall is actually an invisible killer of birds! Guangxi is taking action to prevent bird collisions

The glass curtain wall is actually an invisible killer of birds! Guangxi is taking action to prevent bird collisions

Southern Morning Post All Media Reporter: Yan Fenli, Li YiRecently, Tencent's headquarters in Shenzhen, Binhai Building, underwent a "film coating" renovation of the glass curtain wall to prevent bird strikes, which has attracted the attention of netizens. Southern Morning Post's full media reporter learned that in Guangxi, bird collisions with glass curtain walls also occur from time to time...

Hunan has the largest independently controlled wild animal satellite monitoring big data center in China, tracking the footsteps of wild animals through satellite tracking

Hunan has the largest independently controlled wild animal satellite monitoring big data center in China, tracking the footsteps of wild animals through satellite tracking

Hunan Daily All Media Reporter Zheng Xuan Correspondent Qin JieruiEvery year around March, a group of small swans set off from Dongting Lake and fly for about three days to reach Inner Mongolia. After a whole day off, they crossed the Northern Hemisphere and eventually arrived at the breeding ground at the northernmost point of the Eurasian continent...

Junko Kobayashi: Jack Ma's dream lover, went to Japan 6 times to search, and was brought to China by him at the age of 44

Junko Kobayashi: Jack Ma's dream lover, went to Japan 6 times to search, and was brought to China by him at the age of 44

Wen | Xin Lan Shu HuaEditor | Xin Lan Shu HuaprefaceJack Ma, as a highly successful wealthy businessman,The "Alibaba" founded by the company is like a miracle. The use of Alipay has occupied the daily life of the vast majority of Chinese people, and its influence once resounded abroad...