Robots that can learn work in intelligent factories, allowing carbon fiber arrow stem errors to be controlled within micrometers

Robots that can learn work in intelligent factories, allowing carbon fiber arrow stem errors to be controlled within micrometers

Reporter Zhang QiGuided by the Network Communication Bureau of the Central Cyberspace Administration and the Tax Propaganda Center of the State Administration of Taxation, and hosted by the Cyberspace Administration of the Party Committees of 9 provinces and cities including Shandong, the "Decoding the 'Little Giant' - Specialized, Refined, Special, and New Look at China" online themed promotional activity was launched on September 17th in Weihai, and a 5-day centralized interview was conducted in 5 cities including Weihai, Yantai, Weifang, Zibo, and Jinan.Weihai Baowei New Materials Factory AreaThe output value continues to rise, but there are only 42 workers...

Is the domestic lithography machine factory located in Xiong'an? Clarification from the Chinese Academy of Electronics: This is the Beijing High Energy Synchrotron Radiation Light Source

Is the domestic lithography machine factory located in Xiong'an? Clarification from the Chinese Academy of Electronics: This is the Beijing High Energy Synchrotron Radiation Light Source

Source: Pengpai NewsRecently, a piece of news has been widely circulated on major video platforms, stating that the Tsinghua University EUV project has made ASML lithography machines huge and achieved the localization of lithography machines. It also stated that this project has been implemented in Xiong'an New Area...

News from the West, Russian factories are coming to a standstill! China has made significant progress in high-end machine tools

News from the West, Russian factories are coming to a standstill! China has made significant progress in high-end machine tools

followRussia's precision machining machines have been subject to remote lockdown sanctions from Western countries. According to reports, these machine tools were locked by remote control, causing the factory workshop to come to a standstill...

9 articles were exploded from the factory! The Affiliated Hospital of Jining Medical University and the Second Affiliated Hospital of Lian Medical University will withdraw their papers

9 articles were exploded from the factory! The Affiliated Hospital of Jining Medical University and the Second Affiliated Hospital of Lian Medical University will withdraw their papers

withdraw a contributionreal-time infoOfficial WeChatFor more exciting content, please contactPaper InformationIn December 2019, the Affiliated Hospital of Jining Medical University and the Second Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical UniversityEuropean review for formal and pharmaceutical sciences (Zone 3.3000/4)The title published online in the journal isEffectofatorvastatininpulmonaryarterialhypertensiinratthroughPI3K/AKTsignalingpathway(The effect of Atorvastatin on pulmonary hypertension in rats through PI3K/AKT signaling pathway)...

Good guy! Something that Xiaomi didn't make was taken care of by a Shenzhen

Good guy! Something that Xiaomi didn't make was taken care of by a Shenzhen "small factory"

Hello everyone, I am Bing Dian Cool Play. Today, I am talking about smart watches...

Su Da Discovered the Role of Biomechanical Factors in Erectile Function, Providing a Perspective for the Treatment of Dysfunction

Su Da Discovered the Role of Biomechanical Factors in Erectile Function, Providing a Perspective for the Treatment of Dysfunction

Chang Lei, professor and doctoral supervisor of Suzhou University, is committed to the cross research of Radiobiology and biomechanics. Its research direction focuses on the role of radiation and mechanical microenvironment in tumorigenesis, tissue regeneration and repair, the impact of Micro-g environment and ionizing radiation on embryonic development, and the role of Hippo signaling pathway in tumorigenesis...


Internet "Big Factory": Those who enter cannot access, while those outside want to enter

Large internet companies such as Tencent, Alibaba, and Byte are jokingly referred to as big factories due to their extensive business and scale, just like big factories. Internet giants with high salaries and abundant benefits, gathered in first tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, are high-quality jobs that many young people aspire to, and are even considered as indicators of successful employment...

World number one! China's nuclear energy has once again upgraded and broken through, with thorium based reactors available for global use for 20000 years

World number one! China's nuclear energy has once again upgraded and broken through, with thorium based reactors available for global use for 20000 years

Before reading this article, we sincerely invite you to click on 'Follow', which not only facilitates your discussion and sharing, but also brings you a different sense of participation. Thank you for your support...

Intel announces investment of over 60 billion US dollars to build factories in multiple countries

Intel announces investment of over 60 billion US dollars to build factories in multiple countries

[Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report] On June 20, it was announced that Intel would spend more than 30 billion euros (about 33 billion dollars) to build two chip manufacturing plants in Magdeburg, Germany, to expand its manufacturing business in Europe.According to insiders, the German government has agreed to provide Intel with subsidies of nearly 10 billion euros, higher than the originally planned 6...

Foreign media: Germany may refuse to increase subsidies for Intel's factory construction

Foreign media: Germany may refuse to increase subsidies for Intel's factory construction

On June 12th, according to foreign media reports, German Finance Minister Christian Lindner recently stated that the budget cannot provide more funds to meet Intel's requirements. We are currently working to integrate the budget, rather than expanding it, "he said...

Microorganisms or key factors affecting global warming

Microorganisms or key factors affecting global warming

Technology Frontiers Beijing, May 26th (Reporter Deng Hui)How much carbon is in the soil on Earth? How does organic carbon form and long-term store in soil? Recently, researchers from Tsinghua University and Cornell University led an international team to carry out in-depth interdisciplinary research in the fields of ecology and computer science, using artificial intelligence and data assimilation technology to reveal the decisive role of microbial carbon use efficiency on global soil organic carbon storage. The above achievement is titled "Microbial carbon utilization efficiency promotes global soil carbon storage" and was recently published in the journal Nature...