AI Beauty (01) Advanced Abstinence Department - sisters Flower (Red Department)

AI Beauty (01) Advanced Abstinence Department - sisters Flower (Red Department)

SD01/AI Shengtu 01#Headline Creation Challenge#AIGeneratedContent (AIGC) can be independently utilized to create captioning scenes. With advancements in machine learning and computer vision, AIalgorithmscangeneraterealisticandrunninglandscapes, transforming simpleinputsintovisisually applying scenes...

Take an inch to advance! The United States Department of Commerce issued new restrictions on Nvidia, and the battle for chips became fiercer

Take an inch to advance! The United States Department of Commerce issued new restrictions on Nvidia, and the battle for chips became fiercer

Wen | Ou ChongjingI haven't discussed the issue of chips with you for a long time. The issue of chips is still an extremely important part of this century...

2023 Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition Finals List Announced: Seven Asian Countries Advance to the Finals

2023 Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition Finals List Announced: Seven Asian Countries Advance to the Finals

On June 5th, the final list of the 2023 Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition was announced, with over 50000 participants participating. In the end, only 685 people successfully advanced, with a promotion rate of 1...