2023 World Computing Conference | Academician Jin Shuanggen: Developing the computing industry, Hunan has many advantages

2023 World Computing Conference | Academician Jin Shuanggen: Developing the computing industry, Hunan has many advantages

Replay suspend 00:05 / 00:32 direct seeding 00:00 Enter full screen 0 Click and hold to drag videos On September 16th, at the 2023 World Computing Conference, Jin Shuanggen, Vice President of Henan University of Technology, academician of the European Academy of Sciences, and foreign academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, stated in an interview that Hunan has many advantages in developing the computing industry.It is reported that this is Jin Shuanggen's third time coming to Changsha, Hunan to participate in the World Computing Conference...

Why do we try not to send voice messages when chatting on WeChat? There are four reasons for this. I've finished reading about inflation knowledge

Why do we try not to send voice messages when chatting on WeChat? There are four reasons for this. I've finished reading about inflation knowledge

WeChat, as one of the most popular communication tools in today's social networks, provides us with various chat methods, including text, emoticons, images, voice, etc. However, although voice chat is convenient in some cases, it also has some undeniable drawbacks...

Absolutely outrageous! Xiaobawang has started making domestic PS5, claiming to be able to play even 3A

Absolutely outrageous! Xiaobawang has started making domestic PS5, claiming to be able to play even 3A

Recently, some netizens discovered that Xiaobawang has launched a game console that looks similar to the PS5, with a minimum price of only 588 yuan.Its promotional page claims to support 4k resolution, enjoy 3A games, and also support 24 emulators such as PSP, PS1, N64, DC, etc...

Cancer did not knock her down, she returned to the blue sky at the age of 82, and the legendary life of

Cancer did not knock her down, she returned to the blue sky at the age of 82, and the legendary life of "hardcore grandmother" Miao Xiaohong at the age of 86

Miao Xiaohong was born in Linqu, Shandong in 1937. She joined the military in June 1956 and was the second batch of female pilots in New China...

The largest hydropower station in the Yellow River Basin - Qinghai Laxiwa Hydropower Station has officially entered the production and operation stage

The largest hydropower station in the Yellow River Basin - Qinghai Laxiwa Hydropower Station has officially entered the production and operation stage

On September 15th, the reporter learned from State Power Investment Group Yellow River Upstream Hydropower Development Co., Ltd...

Sanctions cannot change persuasion. Sullivan urged China not to engage in research and development, and American technology can be used by China for a century

Sanctions cannot change persuasion. Sullivan urged China not to engage in research and development, and American technology can be used by China for a century

Copy | BeanEdit | BeanWith the vigorous development of China's technology industry, the world landscape is undergoing profound changes. In this era of multipolarity and globalization, countries need to strengthen dialogue and cooperation to jointly address various global challenges facing humanity...

A Mobile Phone Keeps the Village Busy Expert: Taobao Industry Belt Anchor Can Endorse Good Goods and Beautiful Scenery in Hometown

A Mobile Phone Keeps the Village Busy Expert: Taobao Industry Belt Anchor Can Endorse Good Goods and Beautiful Scenery in Hometown

Recently, the website reform website of the National Development and Reform Commission published an article by Zhang Chenggang, director of the China New Employment Form Research Center, titled "Taobao Live Streaming Industry Belt Creating New Space for Young People's" Light Entrepreneurship ". It stated that using professional e-commerce platforms such as Taobao to live stream and start businesses not only sells products from their hometown, but also endorses the environment and beauty of their hometown...

The first virtual power plant in western China has been put into operation, optimizing energy structure through

The first virtual power plant in western China has been put into operation, optimizing energy structure through "source network load storage"

Wang Yuya, Chen Ke, intern reporter for Science and Technology Daily, Li ZhaoyuOn September 15th, the reporter learned from Chengdu High tech Zone in Sichuan Province that the virtual power plant in Chengdu High tech West Zone has officially been put into operation, which is also the first virtual power plant in western China to be put into operation.Through the digital tool of virtual power plant platform, big data analysis and artificial intelligence models can be used to assist decision-making and innovate energy management models...

Japanese media: Chinese researchers are prohibited from entering the Japan Space Agency's research institute, and space station cooperation is inappropriate

Japanese media: Chinese researchers are prohibited from entering the Japan Space Agency's research institute, and space station cooperation is inappropriate

followRecently, a Japanese space agency ban on Chinese researchers from entering the Japanese space station has sparked heated discussion online, and combined with Japan's recent high-profile "feat" of two failed launches of the H3 spacecraft, this statement is particularly comical.This statement of Japan is undoubtedly a contempt and rejection of the China National Space Administration and Space technology, which vividly reflects the pride and narrowness of the Japanese in their bones, and more importantly, their fear of China's development...

Decomposing the recently popular

Decomposing the recently popular "Zen Language" Little Monk Video - Revealing the Secret of Production Methods

Recently, a popular short video method on short video platforms has been "Little Monk" speaking Zen, and this little monk is generated by AI, and most of the short video work is also generated by AI.Many people are quickly gaining followers in this way...

China's uranium geological exploration has entered a new stage

China's uranium geological exploration has entered a new stage

Our newspaper, Hohhot, July 21 (Reporter Wang Junling) On July 21, the national high-quality development conference on uranium geological exploration hosted by the Chinese Nuclear Society and undertaken by the China Nuclear Industry Geology Bureau was held in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia. The reporter learned from the meeting that in the past decade, China has achieved significant breakthroughs in uranium exploration...

The Second Passage of the Hangzhou Section of the Beijing Hangzhou Canal is officially opened for navigation

The Second Passage of the Hangzhou Section of the Beijing Hangzhou Canal is officially opened for navigation

Beijing, July 21 (Reporter Han Xin) Recently, the Hangzhou section of the Beijing Hangzhou Canal, jointly built by the China Communications Second Navigation Bureau, was officially opened for navigation. The channel of the Beijing Hangzhou Canal has reached Class III, and thousand ton ships can go down from Shandong to Hangzhou directly, and enter Qiantang River through the second channel, opening up the key blocking points of the thousand ton channel network of Zhejiang inland rivers...