Anchoring boutique projects to create offshore

Anchoring boutique projects to create offshore "concrete" walls and iron walls

On the coast of the South China Sea, with flat tides and wide shores, there is a roaring sound of ships. Eight giant caissons stand at the E1 berth in Bohe New Port Area, Maoming Port, Guangdong...

Weekly Hot Review: Midi Announcement should not blur the key points, treat tourists' negative reviews rationally

Weekly Hot Review: Midi Announcement should not blur the key points, treat tourists' negative reviews rationally

editorialMidi Announcement Blows Out Coarse Shake Pot Netizens, Blurred Focus Should Not Be UsedThe Midi Music Festival encountered large-scale theft, which was originally a matter of order and the protection of the rights and interests of participants. The organizers were not initially blamed...

Don't look down on the thousand yuan machine, these three models are all rolled in rolls with large batteries and large memory

Don't look down on the thousand yuan machine, these three models are all rolled in rolls with large batteries and large memory

The current market for thousand yuan computers is really in a mess, with low prices and high performance becoming the mainstream. Many flagship configurations have been relegated to thousand yuan computers, such as large memory, large batteries, flagship imaging, and so on...

India will release a 10-year vision and strategy for the space economy: increasing global share and making India a manufacturing center for small satellites

India will release a 10-year vision and strategy for the space economy: increasing global share and making India a manufacturing center for small satellites

On October 6, 2023, during the 74th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) in Baku, Azerbaijan, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) released preliminary scientific results on India's historic "Luna 3" lunar mission, including the first measurement of the near surface lunar plasma environment near the South Pole of the Moon.On July 14, 2023 local time, the Indian lunar ship 3 probe was launched with an LVM-3 heavy carrier rocket...

Yu Chengdong's evaluation of new M7 sales: Reviving the dead, it's really not easy

Yu Chengdong's evaluation of new M7 sales: Reviving the dead, it's really not easy

On October 7th, Yu Chengdong, Executive Director of Huawei, CEO of Terminal BG, and Chairman of Intelligent Automotive Solutions, discussed the sales situation of the Wenjie New M7 on his Moments. He stated that on October 6th, the new M7 was ordered to reach 7000 units, compared to 3500 units yesterday and over 10000 units in two days...

Charge your phone to 100% before unplugging? So we all made a mistake! No wonder the lifespan of mobile phones is getting shorter and shorter

Charge your phone to 100% before unplugging? So we all made a mistake! No wonder the lifespan of mobile phones is getting shorter and shorter

Mobile phones have become an essential part of modern life, and it's hard to imagine what it would be like without them. Mobile phones play an important role in daily life, such as payment, contacting family and friends, and online shopping...

Sharing the six major pitfalls in the wall breaking machine industry: Beware of harmful substances that can harm your health!

Sharing the six major pitfalls in the wall breaking machine industry: Beware of harmful substances that can harm your health!

Many people want to buy a wall breaking machine, but when faced with a wide range of wall breaking machine products on the market, they have no way to start and do not know what brand to buy. In addition, in recent years, the wall breaking machine industry has been very chaotic internally, and there are many low-quality brands that are not wear-resistant and not resistant to high temperatures...

Another household air conditioner has fallen: it has been the top seller on the front line for three years, and now its market share is less than 8%

Another household air conditioner has fallen: it has been the top seller on the front line for three years, and now its market share is less than 8%

The works I posted on today's Headlines are all original and first-time. I refuse anyone to transfer them to other platforms for publication in any form...

Apple iOS17 officially released: CarPlay adds 5 new features, including co playback sharing, dark mode, and more

Apple iOS17 officially released: CarPlay adds 5 new features, including co playback sharing, dark mode, and more

Recently,IOS17 has been officially released, and many friends may have already updated it. Among them, Carplay has also added 5 new features such as co playback sharing, dark mode, and wallpaper...

Finally collapsed! He, who was once known as the

Finally collapsed! He, who was once known as the "Chinese Musk," was a big scam and tricked a country

There was once a wealthy man in our country who wanted toDigging the Nicaragua Canal, still want toBuying Aircraft Engine Company in UkraineAnd it's more about planningLaunch communication satellites into space.This billionaire is an entrepreneur in our countryWang Jing,2014,Wang JingDevelopment rights of the Nicaragua CanalTo become one in one fell swoopWorld renowned figures...

Dressed in the guise of a second-hand platform, but actually providing

Dressed in the guise of a second-hand platform, but actually providing "door-to-door transactions", the gray transactions of idle fish were stolen

Dressed in the guise of a second-hand platform, but actually providing "door-to-door transactions", the gray transactions of idle fish were stolenRecently, a gray trading incident involving the Xianyu platform has attracted widespread attention and discussion. This incident exposed some "door-to-door transactions" conducted on the platform of Xianyu, bringing many risks and troubles to consumers...

Xiaomi Leader Lei Jun, one person controls over 1000 companies! Can be called the godfather of investment

Xiaomi Leader Lei Jun, one person controls over 1000 companies! Can be called the godfather of investment

The world only knows Buffett, how many people are there in China?Perhaps some people can name Duan Yongping. Yes, Duan Yongping has indeed left a significant mark in the history of domestic investment...