The retired A380 of China Southern Airlines has been exposed internally, residing in the desert of the United States, and comes with a few months old plane meal as a bonus

The retired A380 of China Southern Airlines has been exposed internally, residing in the desert of the United States, and comes with a few months old plane meal as a bonus

The content of this article comes from the internet. If it does not match the actual situation or there is infringement, please contact to delete it...

It's a circle smaller! PS5Slim and PS5 Size Comparison Video

It's a circle smaller! PS5Slim and PS5 Size Comparison Video

Last night, Sony announced a brand new PS5 console, which is thinner than the previous PS5 console and comes with a detachable and expandable optical drive design. It is planned to be launched in the United States in November this year and later in other countries...

New clues! The man filmed a video for his daughter and accidentally caught Huang Yuanxin's father and daughter at around 5:40 pm

New clues! The man filmed a video for his daughter and accidentally caught Huang Yuanxin's father and daughter at around 5:40 pm

In today's domestic society, we are facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges.With the rapid development of technology, deep learning and natural language processing technologies are increasingly integrating into our lives, bringing revolutionary changes to various fields...

Assistant Yuan Longping Recalls Research on Hybrid Rice: Discovering that

Assistant Yuan Longping Recalls Research on Hybrid Rice: Discovering that "Wild Failure" is the Result of Perseverance

Changsha, China News Agency, October 11 (Xinhua) Question: Assistant Yuan Longping Recalls Hybrid Rice Research: Discovering that "Wild Failure" is the Result of PersistenceReporter Tang Xiaoqing and Xu ZhixiongThe discovery of 'wild defeat' is not the various versions that I have found while taking a shower, walking, fishing, or urinating in the public. In fact, 'wild defeat' was discovered through years of persistent research by Professor Yuan and his team, as well as through hard searching in various parts of China...

Intel Ruixuan ArcA5808GB graphics card launched globally simultaneously

Intel Ruixuan ArcA5808GB graphics card launched globally simultaneously

On October 10th, Intel announced that its Ruixuan ArcA5808GB graphics card will be launched through global partners.It is reported that the Intel Ruixuan A580 graphics card adopts advanced technologies such as Intel Xe Super Sampling (XeSS) and hardware accelerated ray tracing, which are supported by AI...

On the eve of Tmall Double 11, Taotian Group and Cainiao Group opened Beijing Half Day Delivery

On the eve of Tmall Double 11, Taotian Group and Cainiao Group opened Beijing Half Day Delivery

On October 12th, on the eve of Double 11, Tmall Supermarket and Cainiao announced the official launch of a half day delivery service in Beijing. In half a year, 20 cities have opened half day trains...

Focus on the international biomedicine frontier race track: the type 2 diabetes living biological drug pipeline was officially launched in Zhangjiang Pharmaceutical Valley

Focus on the international biomedicine frontier race track: the type 2 diabetes living biological drug pipeline was officially launched in Zhangjiang Pharmaceutical Valley

On October 8, under the witness of the General Health Professional Committee of Shanghai Modern Service Industry Federation, Zhangjiang Living diabetes II (T2D) Living Biological Drug (LBP) pipeline of Zhangjiang Living Biological Drug Research and Development Center was officially launched. Jian Danian, Vice President of Shanghai Modern Service Industry Federation, stated that the federation will continue to closely adhere to Shanghai's modern industrial system and introduce more high-level technology enterprises to Pudong and Zhangjiang...

The innovation team of the Hunan High Level Talent Gathering Project at Xiangtan University has all passed the acceptance inspection

The innovation team of the Hunan High Level Talent Gathering Project at Xiangtan University has all passed the acceptance inspection

The team conducted research on key technologies for autonomous navigation of unmanned ships, focusing on research directions such as autonomous driving, obstacle recognition, Internet of Things, geographic information systems and remote sensing, and fluid dynamics on unmanned ships. They conducted research on electronic compass angle automatic compensation methods based on autonomous calibration, unmanned ship deviation measurement and control technology, intelligent obstacle avoidance, data collection spatiotemporal consistency research, and multi-source signal interference solutions Technical research work on autonomous rescue of unmanned ships...

The demonstration video of the M9 intelligent headlights in question was exposed, and netizens exclaimed, 'Isn't this really P?'?

The demonstration video of the M9 intelligent headlights in question was exposed, and netizens exclaimed, 'Isn't this really P?'?

Recently, a netizen uploaded a video on Weibo claiming to be a flagship new car, the Wenjie M9, to be released by the end of the year. In this video, it mainly demonstrates the Huawei xPixel intelligent headlights equipped with the car...

Is it really

Is it really "squeezing toothpaste"? IPhone 15Pro Imaging Experience

The Apple iPhone has been released, and it has to be said that Mother of Nature reminds me of being a carbon seller. It is indeed natural that if she gave birth to the father of hype, calling her Mother would seem like nothing wrong...

Absolutely outrageous! Yellow software actually ranks first! Apple AppStore's China Region Suffers from Tragedy

Absolutely outrageous! Yellow software actually ranks first! Apple AppStore's China Region Suffers from Tragedy

Security Issues in Apple App Store: Safeguarding User Rights and Digital Supervision SystemintroductionRecently, there have been reports that a software that claims to be suitable for children over 4 years old has problems guiding users into gambling and pornographic websites. This has raised doubts about the Apple store's review process...

Harmony of All Things in Big Cities and Famous Gardens | Exploring the Phenomenon of Biological Nitrogen Fixation

Harmony of All Things in Big Cities and Famous Gardens | Exploring the Phenomenon of Biological Nitrogen Fixation "Paradox", New Discoveries in this Study

Recently, the research team of the South China Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences explored the relationship between carbon and biological nitrogen fixation from the perspective of "energy consumption" of biological nitrogen fixation. The reporter learned that this study further reveals the relationship between organic carbon and biological nitrogen fixation from an energy perspective, which helps to understand the "paradox" of nitrogen enriched ecosystems fixing exogenous nitrogen...