Where do the stripes and spots on animals come from

Where do the stripes and spots on animals come from

Science Popularization GardenScience and Technology Daily, Beijing, November 9th (Reporter Zhang Mengran) Nature does not lack patterns. For example, people are familiar with leopard spots, zebra stripes, and the hexagonal shape of the cichlid...


Hunan's "Can" Beidou | Global Beacon: Beidou Satellite Empowers Reading Wild Animal Stories with a "Small Collar"

Wildlife satellite tracking equipment.Red Net Moments News on October 21st(Reporter Wang Shiying, Li Saifeng, Liu Zhixiong) What are bats doing at night? The activity area of the wild Northeast tiger is 100 square kilometers Zhou Libo, Chairman of Hunan Global Xinshi Technology Co...

Hunan has the largest independently controlled wild animal satellite monitoring big data center in China, tracking the footsteps of wild animals through satellite tracking

Hunan has the largest independently controlled wild animal satellite monitoring big data center in China, tracking the footsteps of wild animals through satellite tracking

Hunan Daily All Media Reporter Zheng Xuan Correspondent Qin JieruiEvery year around March, a group of small swans set off from Dongting Lake and fly for about three days to reach Inner Mongolia. After a whole day off, they crossed the Northern Hemisphere and eventually arrived at the breeding ground at the northernmost point of the Eurasian continent...

67 rescued rare wild animals are released to nature in Linlv Mountain, Hongqi Canal, Anyang

67 rescued rare wild animals are released to nature in Linlv Mountain, Hongqi Canal, Anyang

Source: CCTV News ClientOn October 17th, the forestry department of Henan Province released 67 wild animals that had been rescued and recovered to nature at the Hongqiqu Linlushan National Geopark in Anyang.It is understood that the release of wild animals is one of the 29th "Wildlife Protection Promotion Month" series activities in Henan Province...

Latest International Research: AI Assisted Animal Sound Landscape Can Effectively Monitor Forest Biodiversity Restoration

Latest International Research: AI Assisted Animal Sound Landscape Can Effectively Monitor Forest Biodiversity Restoration

Source: China News NetworkBeijing, October 18 (Reporter Sun Zifa) - A biodiversity research paper published by Springer Nature's academic journal "Nature Communications" suggests that artificial intelligence (AI) assisted animal soundscape can be used as an effective tool for monitoring forest biodiversity restoration after farmland abandonment. This research findings propose an automated, cost-effective, and reliable method for detecting forest biodiversity and evaluating restoration outcomes...

China News Agency: Nanjing Underwater World Marine Animal Fantasy Heat Relieving

China News Agency: Nanjing Underwater World Marine Animal Fantasy Heat Relieving
