Didi Chuxing Joins Hands with Nationwide Police to Build an Anti-Fraud Defense Line and Create a Society-Wide Anti-Fraud Atmosphere

Didi Chuxing Joins Hands with Nationwide Police to Build an Anti-Fraud Defense Line and Create a Society-Wide Anti-Fraud Atmosphere

Didi Chuxing Joins Hands with Nationwide Police to Build an Anti-Fraud Defense Line and Create a Society-Wide Anti-Fraud AtmosphereIn response to the national call for a "Nationwide Anti-Fraud Campaign" launched by the Central Propaganda Department and the Ministry of Public Security, Didi Chuxing actively responded and joined hands with the police in 205 cities across 24 provinces and 4 municipalities to carry out a series of anti-telecom fraud publicity activities. This practical action aims to create a strong atmosphere of anti-fraud awareness throughout the entire society...