Just now! Musk went to a refugee camp in Gaza and saw behind the scenes, he flew into a rage!

Just now! Musk went to a refugee camp in Gaza and saw behind the scenes, he flew into a rage!

Just now! Musk went to a refugee camp in Gaza and saw this behind the scenes, he flew into a rage Mp32:47From the corners of this cityRecently, Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk shared his latest visit on social media, but this visit was unusual. Musk went to a refugee camp in Gaza and witnessed firsthand the tragic situation faced by the people there...

On the 9th, the US achieved a significant breakthrough in 6G, and foreign media said that Huawei has completely fallen behind? International news

On the 9th, the US achieved a significant breakthrough in 6G, and foreign media said that Huawei has completely fallen behind? International news

For your better reading and interactive experience, and for you to see more content in a timely manner, click 'Follow' and we will update you with exciting news every day!The tense situation on the international political stage has once again attracted global attention.From the significant breakthrough of the US 6G, the bombing of chemical plants, the major trouble faced by the Kokang Allied Army, and the end of the Sino US "financial war", these series of events have all touched the nerves of the world...

The Pornographic Dark Network Behind the Domestic

The Pornographic Dark Network Behind the Domestic "Room N"? Stealth filming? Video packaging and selling?

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Moving from 5G to 6G: The Enduring War Behind Chips

Moving from 5G to 6G: The Enduring War Behind Chips

| | | J960595G199820231G2G83GTD-SCDMA4G5G5G5G1020215G5G-A5GRedCap10215G-A5G-A5.5G5...

Decrypt! Why do planes avoid Xizang? Explore the reasons behind it!

Decrypt! Why do planes avoid Xizang? Explore the reasons behind it!

Mysterious flying world: why do large planes avoid the sky over Xizang? In the early summer morning, the sun shines through the clouds on the northern Tibetan plateau, creating brilliant colors and magnificent scenery. However, the towering of the the Himalayas has brought great challenges to pilots...

Last year's revenue exceeded 50 billion yuan, and the highest increase on the first day of IPO was only 1.67%. There are many worries behind the listing of Jitu | IPO Observation

Last year's revenue exceeded 50 billion yuan, and the highest increase on the first day of IPO was only 1.67%. There are many worries behind the listing of Jitu | IPO Observation

Author | Chen SiyuanEditor | Yuan SilaiAfter waiting for 3 months, on October 27th, Jitu finally officially listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The announcement shows that the company issued 326...

Jiang Shuying's

Jiang Shuying's "Underpants" Incident: Revealing the AI Technology and Ethics Behind It

In the current era of social media, an astonishing piece of news can often ignite the entire network in an instant. The recent "Jiang Shuying" underwear incident is undoubtedly one of them...

Sino Japanese Chip War: The Technology Burning Road Behind the Monopoly of Photoresist

Sino Japanese Chip War: The Technology Burning Road Behind the Monopoly of Photoresist

With the rapid development of technology, chip manufacturing has become a pillar industry in modern society. However, in the field of key materials in chip manufacturing, a tug of war between China and Japan has quietly begun...

The secret behind online live streaming rewards: Why do some people waste their money to reward internet celebrities

The secret behind online live streaming rewards: Why do some people waste their money to reward internet celebrities

In recent years, with the rise of short videos, live streaming platforms have enormous advantages and have impacted various traditional entertainment industries. The main way for most internet celebrities to profit has shifted from combining with e-commerce in the past to directly obtaining profits from fans, commonly known as rewards...

Why has the Chengdu Lanzhou Railway been under construction for more than ten years and not yet opened to traffic? There are four main reasons behind it

Why has the Chengdu Lanzhou Railway been under construction for more than ten years and not yet opened to traffic? There are four main reasons behind it

Traveling through the vast land of China, the railway is like a vibrant dragon, connecting the north and south of the Yangtze River. In the southwest of our country, a brand new "Heavenly Road" is being gradually drawn, which is the Chengdu Lanzhou Railway connecting Sichuan and Gansu...

What are the

What are the "black technologies" behind the "zero fault" closure of the 19th Asian Games?

Cover News Reporter Wu YujiaOn October 8th, the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou successfully concluded. From on-site event management to field operations, from off-site digital transportation to intelligent smart life, the integration of data and reality presented by the Hangzhou "Intelligent Asian Games" presents a huge application scenario of intelligent technology...

What's behind the constant prompt of

What's behind the constant prompt of "system update" on my phone? After reading it, I finally understand

What's behind the constant prompt of "system update" on my phone? After reading it, I finally understandMobile system updates seem to have become an inevitable part of our daily lives.Receiving that familiar prompt, whether to update or not, is really a perplexing question...