The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology stated that it will comprehensively promote the research and development of 6G technology

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology stated that it will comprehensively promote the research and development of 6G technology

Beijing, June 4 (Reporter Wang Zheng, Liu Wenwen) On the 4th, the 31 China International Information and Communication Exhibition opened in Beijing. The reporter learned from the opening ceremony that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will continue to enhance the advantages of the entire industry chain in fields such as mobile communication and optical communication, forward-looking layout in cutting-edge fields such as the next generation internet, and comprehensively promote the research and development of 6G technology...

The situation that concerns the United States is emerging, as new technologies for high-end chips are being dismantled and lithography machines may become scrap metal

The situation that concerns the United States is emerging, as new technologies for high-end chips are being dismantled and lithography machines may become scrap metal

Text | Jiang Zuo MeilangTypesetting Editor | Black CodeOur chip industry is facing a situation where 'a skillful woman cannot make rice without cooking'. To make high-end chips, in addition to requiring strong design capabilities, their production and processing also require extremely advanced equipment...

Are these anchors completely cool? The platform has released new regulations: prohibit such behavior!

Are these anchors completely cool? The platform has released new regulations: prohibit such behavior!

Going to remote mountainous areas,Find the 'poorest' villagersShoot the 'most dilapidated' houseTell the 'worst' storyThese make your heart ache and cryBehind the videoIt's likely the internet celebrity teamA carefully directed tragic dramaSelling miserably is just the plotCarrying goods is the purposeIn order to stop the bottomless fake public welfare from continuing to fool consumers, Tiktok recently issued a new regulation, which requires that "public welfare accounts should not be used for profit-making activities such as live broadcast rewards and e-commerce sales". False public welfare or nowhere to hide!Platform takes action to punishPseudo public welfare and pseudo charitable behaviorIn order to promote the better development of the public welfare industry, Tiktok's official account has recently released the latest regulations on the governance of Tiktok's public welfare content in response to accounts that try to fabricate false scenes and implement false public welfare on the grounds of "helping farmers", "helping the poor", "helping the disabled" and "helping the elderly"...

Is it possible for physical stores to go bankrupt and hope that the country can shut down e-commerce to save them?

Is it possible for physical stores to go bankrupt and hope that the country can shut down e-commerce to save them?

In recent years, with the continuous development of the e-commerce industry, more and more people have started to choose to shop online. However, this trend has also impacted some traditional physical stores, causing some ordinary people who open physical stores to lose money...

US experts warn that China should avoid stubbornness and face economic risks if it continues to develop chips

US experts warn that China should avoid stubbornness and face economic risks if it continues to develop chips

When an American expert warns China that if it continues to develop chips, it may face an economic crisis, this is actually a misunderstanding of China's independent research and development capabilities and a protection of the dominant position of the US market. This warning seems to overlook the importance of enhancing independent research and development capabilities and continuous innovation for a country's economy...

Consumer market continues to recover,

Consumer market continues to recover, "618" shopping festival e-commerce platform welcomes a successful start

Our reporter Cao WeixinThe annual "618" e-commerce shopping festival has arrived. From the first round of battle reports, major e-commerce platforms and brands have achieved impressive results, accelerating the release of consumption potential...

Science and technology innovation platform adds impetus to county development

Science and technology innovation platform adds impetus to county development

Entering the Yidu Industrial Technology Research Institute of Hubei University, Yang Guichun and Jiang Jun, two teachers stationed at the site, are busy connecting with the enterprise.Biopharmaceuticals and fine chemicals are the two leading industries in Yidu City...

Huawei Releases the Smart and Easy All Optical Connection Strategy, Describing the Development Direction of the Optical Industry with 2+2+X

Huawei Releases the Smart and Easy All Optical Connection Strategy, Describing the Development Direction of the Optical Industry with 2+2+X

On June 1st, Huawei officially released its Smart Jian All Optical Connectivity Strategy and series of new products in Beijing. Facing the evolution of F5...

Ant Group Discloses Corporate Governance Performance: 50% of Sole Directors, Over 1/3 of Female Directors

Ant Group Discloses Corporate Governance Performance: 50% of Sole Directors, Over 1/3 of Female Directors

Recently, Ant Group released its 2022 Sustainable Development Report, which disclosed the company's governance performance for the year. The report shows that over the past year, Ant Group has been benchmarking its international and domestic practices and continuously exploring modern corporate governance systems that are in line with its own development reality: increasing the proportion of sole directors to 50%, establishing two special committees of the board of directors, and making shareholder voting rights more transparent and decentralized...

Autonomous driving is not equal to AI,

Autonomous driving is not equal to AI, "Da Mo analysts pour cold water on Tesla investors

[Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report] On June 2, according to foreign media reports, Adam Jonas, an analyst at Morgan Stanley, said in his research report on Thursday, "With such a vast potential market, Tesla can consider many things. But we believe that it is an automobile company in the final analysis...

The first national standard has been established in the field of comprehensive performance evaluation of informatization

The first national standard has been established in the field of comprehensive performance evaluation of informatization

Science and Technology Daily News (Liu Wei, intern journalist Shen Wei): On May 31, it was learned that the national standard GB/T42584-2023 "Comprehensive Performance Evaluation Specification for Information Technology Projects" has been officially approved and will be implemented on December 1, 2023. This is also the first national standard in the field of comprehensive performance evaluation for information technology...

Accelerating Run on the New Track of the Digital Economy (Online China)

Accelerating Run on the New Track of the Digital Economy (Online China)

Self parking "leave first and pay later"; The smart devices in the park automatically record fitness data; Real time perception of traffic flow and optimization of timing at traffic lights to improve vehicle traffic efficiency; The government platform integrates various convenient service functions, and "data running" replaces "mass running"....