Choosing the strongest MiniLED TV is better compared to Hisense U8KL!

Choosing the strongest MiniLED TV is better compared to Hisense U8KL!

Recently, I caught up with moving to a new home and took advantage of this opportunity to upgrade my family's movie and audio products. Today, I would like to share with my family the living room TV that they all love...

Choosing appliances again, I swear I will never buy these

Choosing appliances again, I swear I will never buy these "6 types of appliances", not to criticize, but to have had enough of them

To be honest, I have been pondering for a long time about writing this article on how to avoid pitfalls in household appliances. The main reason is that telling the truth may offend a group of home appliance manufacturers, and as a home decoration blogger, it is ultimately unfavorable...

Popular science toys may hide health risks, experts remind: choosing the right toy can avoid risks

Popular science toys may hide health risks, experts remind: choosing the right toy can avoid risks

Changsha Evening News All Media Reporter Xu Yuan Intern Zhang LuDuring the National Day holiday, I purchased several sets of science toys to help my children play with their phones less at home. "During the recent holiday, the science toy that combines education and entertainment received a wave of hot sales...

After abandoning iPhone 14 ProMax and choosing Huawei Mate50, the user experience was not displeased

After abandoning iPhone 14 ProMax and choosing Huawei Mate50, the user experience was not displeased

Not long ago, I switched from Apple's iPhone 14 ProMax to Huawei's Mate50. After using it for a while, I realized that this choice made me both love and hate...

Don't buy 618 phones indiscriminately. Choosing these four models around 2500 is very suitable, with strong features and a significant price reduction

Don't buy 618 phones indiscriminately. Choosing these four models around 2500 is very suitable, with strong features and a significant price reduction

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