The Second Passage of the Hangzhou Section of the Beijing Hangzhou Canal is officially opened for navigation

The Second Passage of the Hangzhou Section of the Beijing Hangzhou Canal is officially opened for navigation

Beijing, July 21 (Reporter Han Xin) Recently, the Hangzhou section of the Beijing Hangzhou Canal, jointly built by the China Communications Second Navigation Bureau, was officially opened for navigation. The channel of the Beijing Hangzhou Canal has reached Class III, and thousand ton ships can go down from Shandong to Hangzhou directly, and enter Qiantang River through the second channel, opening up the key blocking points of the thousand ton channel network of Zhejiang inland rivers...

Further deployment of meteorological services during critical flood control periods

Further deployment of meteorological services during critical flood control periods

Beijing, July 21 (Reporter Li Hongmei) At present, China has entered the critical period of "seven lower and eight upper" flood control, and North China has entered the rainy season. Meteorological monitoring showed that heavy to rainstorm occurred in western Beijing and central Hebei on the night of the 20th, and strong rainfall still occurred in North China during the day of the 21st...

A clear picture: Shandong Lairong High Speed Railway was reported to have cut corners on workmanship and materials

A clear picture: Shandong Lairong High Speed Railway was reported to have cut corners on workmanship and materials

Editor: Yao Yang (Intern)Design: Ji ShutingReviewed by: Xuan Xuan[Source: Jiupai News]Declaration: The copyright of this article belongs to the original author. If there is any source error or infringement of your legitimate rights and interests, you can contact us through email, and we will promptly handle it...

Increase 5G network speed and reduce tariffs! Latest Achievements from China Mobile, China Unicom, and Telecom: Over 1.2 billion 5G Users

Increase 5G network speed and reduce tariffs! Latest Achievements from China Mobile, China Unicom, and Telecom: Over 1.2 billion 5G Users

On July 21st, KuaiTech reported that today the three major operators released the latest data, and of course, the number of 5G users is still the highest among mobile users.China Mobile announced that the total number of customers in June was 985 million, with a net increase of 2...

The primary school in Xiangtan County won the first prize in the provincial youth space robot competition project challenge!

The primary school in Xiangtan County won the first prize in the provincial youth space robot competition project challenge!

It is understood that in addition to six traditional competitions, including the robot inheritance challenge, the robot comprehensive skills competition, the robot intelligent relay competition, the UAV programming competition, the robot engineering challenge, and the Scratch on-site creative programming competition, this competition will also add four new competitions, namely, the space football challenge, the space star competition, the Tianluodiwang space challenge, and the Paper plane holding up the space dream. 333 teams and 850 students from 14 cities (prefectures) in the province participated...

Online Rumors: False Propaganda Behind the

Online Rumors: False Propaganda Behind the "Traffic Economy"

Online rumors have become an urgent problem in today's society, and for the public, we are often confused and troubled by various false news.Recently, the Ministry of Public Security issued a serious warning against the rumor mongering of Personal media personnel at a press conference, and emphasized that the platform should also take corresponding responsibilities...

Why did China suddenly build the Chinese Super Canal, which cost over 70 billion yuan?

Why did China suddenly build the Chinese Super Canal, which cost over 70 billion yuan?

#Headline Creation Challenge#Before reading this article, could you please click on the red oneFollowThe button not only facilitates your discussion and sharing, but also brings you a different sense of participation. Thank you for your support!At the end of 2022, construction of the Pinglu Canal in Guangxi officially began...

Guangdong Transportation Group collaborates with Baidu to release the first provincial-level digital base map of over 10000 kilometers in China

Guangdong Transportation Group collaborates with Baidu to release the first provincial-level digital base map of over 10000 kilometers in China

As a major transportation province, Guangdong plays an important role in China's modern transportation construction. Currently, the mileage of expressways in Guangdong Province has exceeded 11200 kilometers, ranking first in the country for 9 consecutive years...

Xinxuan Group's Rural Revitalization Xinhuo Plan  Sichuan Station Successfully Launched, Helping 100 Million Good Things Come out of Sichuan

Xinxuan Group's Rural Revitalization Xinhuo Plan Sichuan Station Successfully Launched, Helping 100 Million Good Things Come out of Sichuan

On July 20th, the "Good Things Come out of Sichuan, Xin is in Tianfu" and the Xinhuo Plan of Xinxuan Group's Rural Revitalization Activity, Sichuan Station's Agricultural Assistance Live Broadcast, were held in Chengdu. Xinxuan's anchor Egg Egg helped Sichuan Haowu's sales exceed 100 million, allowing Sichuan merchants and fruit farmers present to witness the new energy of digital economy promoting consumption upgrading and rural revitalization...

Complete success!

Complete success!

According to the China Manned Space Agency, at 21:40 on July 20, 2023, Beijing time, after about 8 hours of extravehicular activities,Shenzhou 16 astronauts Jing Haipeng, Zhu Yangzhu and Gui Haichao worked closely together to successfully complete all the scheduled tasks of the extravehicular activities with the support of the space station manipulator. Astronauts Jing Haipeng and Zhu Yangzhu have safely returned to the Wentian module of the space station, and the extravehicular activities have been a complete success...

Tesla shares fell nearly 10% Gross margin fell to 18.2% in the second quarter

Tesla shares fell nearly 10% Gross margin fell to 18.2% in the second quarter

On Thursday, July 20th, after the US stock market closed, Tesla's stock price fell 9.74% to $262...

Here comes the new regulations! The power bank does not have this logo and cannot be bought or sold

Here comes the new regulations! The power bank does not have this logo and cannot be bought or sold

You can leave without anything when you go outBut you can't go without your phoneAnd the phone must have electricityPower Bank as a Mobile "Gas Station"Has become a necessity in our livesHas deeply integrated into our liveshoweverMost power banks use lithium batteriesDue to its chemical propertiesUsing flammable organic electrolytes, etcThere are certain potential risksIf encounteringHigh temperature, squeezing or collisionOr use counterfeit productsExtremely prone to fire and explosionCausing very serious consequencesLithium batteries and power banks have a "new insurance" for quality and safetyRecently, the State Administration for Market Regulation announced that starting from August 1, 2023, CCC certification management will be implemented for lithium-ion batteries, battery packs, and mobile power sources. Starting from August 1, 2024, those who have not obtained CCC certification and marked with certification marks shall not be allowed to leave the factory, sell, import, or use them in other business activities...