Solid state thermal transistor ultra high speed precise control of heat

Solid state thermal transistor ultra high speed precise control of heat

Science and Technology Daily News (Reporter Zhang Mengran) - Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles have launched the first stable all solid-state thermal transistor, which uses an electric field to control the thermal motion of semiconductor devices. According to a study published on November 3rd in the journal Science, the transistor has the highest speed and performance to date, and through atomic level design and molecular engineering, it can open up new fields of thermal management in computer chips...

The southernmost territory: Is the Zengmu Sands controlled by China? Is it possible to reclaim land from the sea?

The southernmost territory: Is the Zengmu Sands controlled by China? Is it possible to reclaim land from the sea?

The content of this article comes from the internet. If it does not match the actual situation or there is infringement, please contact to delete it...

Academicians and experts jointly discuss the innovative development of computer engineering and intelligent control

Academicians and experts jointly discuss the innovative development of computer engineering and intelligent control

Science and Technology Daily reporter Ye QingOn October 21st, the 21st Huacheng Academician Technology Summit and the Fourth Academic Conference on Computer Engineering and Intelligent Control (ICCEIC 2023) were held in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province. Experts and scholars from around the world participated in the conference in a "online+offline" manner...

Hunan has the largest independently controlled wild animal satellite monitoring big data center in China, tracking the footsteps of wild animals through satellite tracking

Hunan has the largest independently controlled wild animal satellite monitoring big data center in China, tracking the footsteps of wild animals through satellite tracking

Hunan Daily All Media Reporter Zheng Xuan Correspondent Qin JieruiEvery year around March, a group of small swans set off from Dongting Lake and fly for about three days to reach Inner Mongolia. After a whole day off, they crossed the Northern Hemisphere and eventually arrived at the breeding ground at the northernmost point of the Eurasian continent...

Hunan's first scientific research institution, Provincial Institute for Schistosomiasis Control, settled in Huangshawan

Hunan's first scientific research institution, Provincial Institute for Schistosomiasis Control, settled in Huangshawan

Photography: AnlunHubin University serialized 51Hunan's first scientific research institution, Provincial Institute for Schistosomiasis Control, settled in HuangshawanSiye, who crossed the Jiangnan River in April 1949, stayed in Hunan for a long time. After the peaceful liberation of Yueyang, they first fought the "Baoqing Campaign" with the Kuomintang, driving out Bai Chongxi's Gui clique troops from Hunan, and later mainly cleared Xiangxi of banditry...

Two Steps Ahead: Lockheed Martin Compact Controllable Fusion Test Project

Two Steps Ahead: Lockheed Martin Compact Controllable Fusion Test Project

This article is excerpted from James C. Goodall, translated by Weng Wei, "The Skunk Factory: A 75 Year History of Advanced Aircraft Development"More than 70 years ago, scientists discovered that nuclear fission reactions can generate enormous amounts of energy, which was undoubtedly a significant discovery that attracted worldwide attention at that time...

China Mobile controls costs to enhance enterprise competitiveness

China Mobile controls costs to enhance enterprise competitiveness

In Xiamen, Fujian, China Mobile's 5G high-precision positioningVehicle road collaboration and other technologies are used to assist in achieving unmanned driving of container trucks in the port area,Assist in reducing the construction cost of automated docks by 70%The cost reduction of 70% mentioned in the picture is only for the construction cost of the automated terminalData source: China Mobile Communications Group Co., LtdRongqianxing Zhibaiye Toward the Future "People's Daily" (October 19, 2023, 14th edition)...

Foreign media: ByteDance, more than directors transferred to TikTok's US market, highlighting the control of the Chinese parent company

Foreign media: ByteDance, more than directors transferred to TikTok's US market, highlighting the control of the Chinese parent company

According to a recent report by the Wall Street Journal, since the beginning of this year, more than ByteDance executives have been transferred to TikTok's US market to take charge of the important business of this popular short video application in Europe and the United States. Some of the executives were directly transferred from Beijing to the United States...

Breaking through the garbage dilemma, technology brings new directions for nitrogen pollution control

Breaking through the garbage dilemma, technology brings new directions for nitrogen pollution control

Global Network Technology Comprehensive ReportIn the context of global climate change and environmental pollution, how to effectively deal with nitrogen pollution has become an urgent task. In 2023, the No...

A ransom of 51 million US dollars! Johnson Controls was attacked by ransomware, resulting in partial operational interruption

A ransom of 51 million US dollars! Johnson Controls was attacked by ransomware, resulting in partial operational interruption

Johnson Controls International suffered from a so-called large-scale ransomware attack that encrypted many of the company's devices, including VMWareESXi servers, affecting the operations of the company and its subsidiaries. Johnson Controls is a global leader in the field of intelligent buildings, committed to creating safe, healthy, and sustainable spaces with a history of over 140 years...

Xiaomi Leader Lei Jun, one person controls over 1000 companies! Can be called the godfather of investment

Xiaomi Leader Lei Jun, one person controls over 1000 companies! Can be called the godfather of investment

The world only knows Buffett, how many people are there in China?Perhaps some people can name Duan Yongping. Yes, Duan Yongping has indeed left a significant mark in the history of domestic investment...

Robots that can learn work in intelligent factories, allowing carbon fiber arrow stem errors to be controlled within micrometers

Robots that can learn work in intelligent factories, allowing carbon fiber arrow stem errors to be controlled within micrometers

Reporter Zhang QiGuided by the Network Communication Bureau of the Central Cyberspace Administration and the Tax Propaganda Center of the State Administration of Taxation, and hosted by the Cyberspace Administration of the Party Committees of 9 provinces and cities including Shandong, the "Decoding the 'Little Giant' - Specialized, Refined, Special, and New Look at China" online themed promotional activity was launched on September 17th in Weihai, and a 5-day centralized interview was conducted in 5 cities including Weihai, Yantai, Weifang, Zibo, and Jinan.Weihai Baowei New Materials Factory AreaThe output value continues to rise, but there are only 42 workers...