The China-US Space Gap: More Than a Decade, but We Can Still Catch Up

The China-US Space Gap: More Than a Decade, but We Can Still Catch Up

The China-US Space Gap: More Than a Decade, but We Can Still Catch UpIn recent years, China's space program has achieved remarkable successes, leading many to believe that we have caught up with, even surpassed, the United States. However, a veteran expert dashed this optimism with a sobering statement: the gap between China and the US in space might be larger than we think...

 South-to-North Water Diversion Project: A Decade of Change and a Symbol of Engineering Prowess

South-to-North Water Diversion Project: A Decade of Change and a Symbol of Engineering Prowess

South-to-North Water Diversion Project: A Decade of Change and a Symbol of Engineering ProwessOver the past 30 years, China has undertaken countless large-scale infrastructure projects, some of which have garnered international attention, such as the Three Gorges Dam and the South-to-North Water Diversion Project. The latter, in particular, has sparked heated debates since its inception, with some expressing concerns about its potential negative impact on the domestic environment...

  A Decade of Exploration: Rosetta Unveils the Secrets of Comet 67P

A Decade of Exploration: Rosetta Unveils the Secrets of Comet 67P

A Decade of Exploration: Rosetta Unveils the Secrets of Comet 67PIn 2014, after a decade-long journey through deep space, the Rosetta spacecraft successfully reached its destination Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. This marked the first time in history that a spacecraft had ever orbited and landed on a comet...

 From the Golden Decade to the Cliff-like Decline: A History of the Rise and Fall of Internet Cafes in China

From the Golden Decade to the Cliff-like Decline: A History of the Rise and Fall of Internet Cafes in China

From the Golden Decade to the Cliff-like Decline: A History of the Rise and Fall of Internet Cafes in ChinaOnce upon a time, nothing was more lucrative than opening an internet cafe. A cafe costing 100,000 yuan could easily generate over a million yuan in annual revenue...

 The Mighty Dragon of the Yangtze: Two Decades of Achievements and Challenges of the Three Gorges Project

The Mighty Dragon of the Yangtze: Two Decades of Achievements and Challenges of the Three Gorges Project

The Mighty Dragon of the Yangtze: Two Decades of Achievements and Challenges of the Three Gorges ProjectThe Yangtze River, the mother river of the Chinese nation, has nurtured a brilliant civilization and witnessed countless hardships. Floods were once a haunting nightmare for people living along its banks...

Jack Ma once predicted that the three major cancers will afflict every family in the next decade, has it become a reality now?

Jack Ma once predicted that the three major cancers will afflict every family in the next decade, has it become a reality now?

As is well known, Jack Ma is a highly ambitious and idealistic entrepreneur who has made outstanding contributions to the development of China's technology industry over the years. For example, he once offended banks in order to change China's mobile payment industry, and even had to "wrestle" with giants in monopolistic industries such as China Mobile, telecommunications, and China Unicom...

How much coal does Shanxi have and how many years can it last to mine after decades of mining?

How much coal does Shanxi have and how many years can it last to mine after decades of mining?

Speaking of Shanxi, our first impression isA major coal province!For several years after the founding of the People's Republic of China, we have firmly held the "top spot" in coal production,Shanxi Province is not only an important coal base in China, but also one of the world's largest coal bases!The coal mines in Shanxi have not only never stopped mining for many years, but their annual coal production is still 2-3 times that of other places!Under such a large amount of mining,How much coal is left in Shanxi?How many years is it enough to mineShanxi Province covers an area of 157000 square kilometers, and after exploration,40% of the province has coal resources; There are 118 county-level administrative regions in the province, and 94 counties have coal underground!It can be said that if you dig a hole in Shanxi, you may even see coal!Moreover, the average thickness of coal seams in Shanxi's coal mining resources is only 30-40 meters, with most locations not exceeding 300 meters,It is easy to mine and the quality of coal is also very high!This is also why Shanxi's coal production is so high, as a major energy province,Shanxi's coal once lit up half of the country's lights!According to estimates,Shanxi's coal reserves are around 300 billion tonsAfter so many years of mining, only over 10 billion tons have been mined; According to the current level of mining,It can still be mined for hundreds of years!In recent years, Shanxi coal mines with a glorious history have begun to transform into intelligent technology based coal mines.Multiple coal mining groups have become smarter, safer, and more efficient with the help of technology! Some coal mines can even complete the entire process of coal excavation, mining, transmission, and delivery through machines...

Is it worth investing 51.6 billion yuan over decades to successfully open the Qinchuan River to the water diversion project from the Han River to the Wei River

Is it worth investing 51.6 billion yuan over decades to successfully open the Qinchuan River to the water diversion project from the Han River to the Wei River

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What is' aramid paper '? The United States and Japan have monopolized technology for decades, selling us 2800 at a cost of 20

What is' aramid paper '? The United States and Japan have monopolized technology for decades, selling us 2800 at a cost of 20

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