Why would the discovery of life on Mars be

Why would the discovery of life on Mars be "bad news"?

writing|Laugh at the history of Yunyanedit|Laugh at the history of YunyanaboutMarsHuman beings have been speculating for a long time whether there is life. As early asnineteenth centuryaboutMarsMarsMarsMarsMarsNot suitable for long-term human habitation...

Did the Chinese Mars rover wake up? Media reports on the new discovery of the Zhurong account, with a year of silence and a last chance

Did the Chinese Mars rover wake up? Media reports on the new discovery of the Zhurong account, with a year of silence and a last chance

Did the Chinese Mars rover wake up? In July 2023, the news of a "new discovery of the Zhurong spacecraft" really caught the eye of many people. Has the Chinese Zhurong rover, which has been silent on Mars for a year, started a new job?At first glance, this is really good news...

Overthrow traditional understanding! Latest Discovery by Chinese Scientists

Overthrow traditional understanding! Latest Discovery by Chinese Scientists

Source: [Love Jinan News Client]On the 8th, the reporter learned from the University of Science and Technology of China that Associate Professors Cai Zhenyi and Wang Junxian of the Astronomy Department of the university, through studying the extreme ultraviolet radiation spectrum of the accretion of supermassive black holes at the center of quasars, found that it is not related to the intrinsic brightness of quasars, overturning traditional understanding in this field. Further research by researchers has found that the average extreme ultraviolet energy spectrum of quasars is much softer than expected by classical accretion disk theory, posing a serious challenge to classical accretion disk radiation models and strongly supporting accretion models with universal disk winds...

Discovery of the 41st New Species of

Discovery of the 41st New Species of "Yellow Danxia Bacillus" in Danxia Mountain, Guangdong Province

Shaoguan, China News Agency, October 10th (Reporter Wang Jian) According to the Danxia Mountain Management Committee in Shaoguan City, Guangdong Province on the 10th, the 41st new species - the first new genus level species of bacteria - has been discovered in Danxia Mountain, and it has been named Danxia Yellow Bacillus.Professor Li Wenjun's team members conducted soil sample collection work in Danxia Mountain...

Major Discovery! High gas bearing shale gas reservoir detected in Enshi

Major Discovery! High gas bearing shale gas reservoir detected in Enshi

Replay suspend 00:05 / 00:19 direct seeding 00:00 Enter full screen 0 Click and hold to drag videos E'enye 2 Well723E'enye 2 Well51000E'enye 2 Well250051117001800405/1000Rock core immersion experimentAnalytical Gas Combustion ExperimentThe relevant person in charge of the Provincial Geological Survey Institute evaluated that the exploration results of this well can be extended to the northern areas of Enshi City City, Jianshi County and other places with the same geological structure. It is predicted that the Shale gas resources in this area are about 400 billion cubic meters, with a potential economic value of more than one trillion yuan...

The First Discovery of Dinosaur Egg fossil Fossils in Heyuan Dengta Basin

The First Discovery of Dinosaur Egg fossil Fossils in Heyuan Dengta Basin

On site investigation by researchersYangcheng Evening News reporter Wu Yizhen, correspondent Yang Xiaoli and Wen Yuyue photographed and reported that on the afternoon of the 21st, the reporter learned from the Heyuan Dinosaur Museum that dinosaur Egg fossil were first found in the Heyuan Lighthouse Basin. At present, the Heyuan Dinosaur Museum has contacted relevant experts for further research...


The "Chinese Eye of Heaven" has once again made a world-class discovery!

What is Chinese Tianyan?China's Tianyan, officially known as the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST), is the world's largest and most sensitive Radio telescope, and also the largest single aperture and most sensitive Radio telescope in China's scientific and technological history.Located in the invisible valley of Pingtang County, Qiannan Buyei and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province, China's Tianyan covers about 30 football fields and is composed of 4450 triangular reflectors, which can cover the whole southern hemisphere sky...