Former Vice President of, Cai Lei,

Former Vice President of, Cai Lei, "Re Entrepreneurship": The Last Struggle of a Patient with Hypothyroidism

More than thirty years ago, Cai Lei, who was still in third grade, met two senior "thugs" after school. One of the boys slapped Cai Lei on the back of the head as a provocation...

Notice of Clinical Trial Approval for Recombinant Human Adenovirus 5 Injection of Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Group Co., Ltd. Restructuring

Notice of Clinical Trial Approval for Recombinant Human Adenovirus 5 Injection of Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Group Co., Ltd. Restructuring

Recombinant human adenovirus type 5 injection (trade name: Ankrui) is an oncolytic adenovirus anti-tumor drug that contains recombinant adenoviruses that can specifically replicate in tumor cells, cause tumor cell damage, lysis, and further activate immune responses to exert anti-tumor effects. Ankeri was approved for marketing in China in 2005, with an approved indication for advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma...

Scientists have discovered that increasing efficiency in the food system can effectively support China's carbon neutrality

Scientists have discovered that increasing efficiency in the food system can effectively support China's carbon neutrality

Technology Frontiers Guangming Daily, July 15, Beijing (reporter Jin Haotian)The Dai Hancheng research group and collaborators of the School of Environmental Science and Engineering at Peking University have recently found that increasing efficiency in the food system can effectively support China's achievement of the 2060 carbon neutrality target. Biomass energy is an important alternative means for China to achieve carbon neutrality, and China needs to combine various measures such as moderately relaxing food trade, increasing crop yield, reducing food waste, and shifting towards a healthy diet to build an efficient food system that is in line with its national conditions...

Did you only realize that the business class seat was occupied by the crew during the flight? Entrepreneur bombards Air China, Lawyer: Violation of Contract Law

Did you only realize that the business class seat was occupied by the crew during the flight? Entrepreneur bombards Air China, Lawyer: Violation of Contract Law

On July 14, Mr. Liu, an entrepreneur, sent a video saying that when he checked in on July 12, he was informed that the A2533 business class seat of Air China purchased several days ago was occupied by the crew...

Selling rare earths at a low price for 50 years, only to once get stuck in the neck of Europe and America, the United States shouted: strongly opposed

Selling rare earths at a low price for 50 years, only to once get stuck in the neck of Europe and America, the United States shouted: strongly opposed

The Capital of Rare Earths With the progress of world technology, rare earths have become increasingly important, and countries have begun to establish rare earth industry chains. However, rare earths are mostly associated minerals, and in order to extract them, it is necessary to establish a large-scale metal smelting industry chain such as zinc, aluminum, and manganese...

New EU regulations regulate the development of the battery industry

New EU regulations regulate the development of the battery industry

The European Council has recently introduced a new regulation aimed at strengthening the management of batteries and waste batteries, regulating the entire lifecycle of batteries from production to recycling and reuse, in order to promote a circular economy. Analysis suggests that the new regulations will enhance the competitiveness of European industries, ensure the sustainability of new batteries, and contribute to green transformation...

Do Europe and America want to produce gallium themselves? Shandong Binzhou's annual electricity consumption of 123.5 billion kilowatt hours directly scares them out

Do Europe and America want to produce gallium themselves? Shandong Binzhou's annual electricity consumption of 123.5 billion kilowatt hours directly scares them out

The ancient Chinese ancestor left many classic sayings to future generations, such as hitting the snake and hitting the seven inch mark, coming without disrespect, and so on.In recent years, some European and American countries used some unfounded reasons to restrict the development of China's Semiconductor industry, trying to hinder the progress of China's advanced industries, and then consolidate their position in competitive industries and their leadership in the global industry chain...

Will A800 cores also be cut off? After the Netherlands announced the restrictions on the shipment of Stepper, European media: the dust has settled

Will A800 cores also be cut off? After the Netherlands announced the restrictions on the shipment of Stepper, European media: the dust has settled

In the war of the Semiconductor industry, a new storm is brewing. The news that the Netherlands announced a restriction on the shipment of Stepper quickly spread all over the world, and this restriction triggered a shock in the global semiconductor market...

A professor from Wujiang, Suzhou has won the highest academic honor in Europe!

A professor from Wujiang, Suzhou has won the highest academic honor in Europe!

recentlyEuropean Academy of Natural Sciences(EuropaischeAkademieDerNaturwissenschaften) announcedShenzhen University of Technology (preparatory)Dean of School of Computer Science and Control engineeringLecture ProfessorPan Yi from Wujiang, Suzhoube elected as2023European Academy of Natural SciencesEuropean Academy of Natural SciencesHannoverEuropean Academy of Natural Sciencesforty035European Academy of Natural Sciencesbe elected asAcademician of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, foreign academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Engineering, and academician of the European Academy of Science and ArtsShenzhen University of Technology (preparatory)withMore than 250 SCI journal academic papersMore than 100 of them have been published in top academic journals such as IEEE/ACMTransactions/Journals. He also edited and published itfortyMultiple books and academic achievements have been cited20 thousandThe current H-index is 90...

Within 24 hours of the introduction of a ban on the sale of gallium and germanium, the United States, Japan, and Europe have exploded in China's phone calls, causing product prices to soar to 10000 yuan

Within 24 hours of the introduction of a ban on the sale of gallium and germanium, the United States, Japan, and Europe have exploded in China's phone calls, causing product prices to soar to 10000 yuan

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National Low Carbon Day | The First

National Low Carbon Day | The First "Guardian Action" Carbon Neutrality Science Popularization Activity Summary Meeting Held

At the approaching of the National Low Carbon Day in 2023, the first "Guardian Action" carbon neutral science popularization activity, under the guidance of the Department of Science and Technology and Climate Change of the China Meteorological Administration and the Department of Ecological Protection and Restoration of the National Forestry and Grassland Administration, sponsored by the National Climate Center, China Green Carbon Sink Foundation, Huafeng Meteorological Media Group, Tencent, organized by the China Weather Network, Tencent SSV Carbon Neutralization Laboratory, and supported by the Xinhua Public Welfare Channel, A summary meeting was held at the China Meteorological Administration, marking the perfect end of the first event.The "Guardian Action" carbon neutrality science popularization activity is specifically launched to comprehensively implement the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality", implement the "Green and Low Carbon National Action" in the "Carbon Peaking Action Plan before 2030" issued by the State Council, and enhance public awareness of climate change and carbon peaking and carbon neutrality...

EU Council Passes New Regulations on Batteries and Waste Batteries

EU Council Passes New Regulations on Batteries and Waste Batteries

Brussels, July 10th (Xinhua) - The European Council passed a new regulation on July 10th aimed at strengthening the management of batteries and waste batteries. This regulation will regulate the entire lifecycle of batteries from production to recycling and reuse, and ensure their safety, sustainability, and competitiveness...