
The "Museum of Ancient Architecture" by Mountains and Rivers (Entering Traditional Villages)

Photographed by Xie Youchang (People's Vision)Figure 2: Tourists are studying and visiting the academy in Bailu Ancient Village.Photographed by our reporter Zhang WujunLuohua PaintingShot by Xiao Zhuyuan (People's Vision)Photographed by our reporter Zhang WujunOn the banks of Luxi River, in front of Yuping Mountain, there is a crescent shaped ancient village nestled by mountains and waters...

Intime Department Store's Digital IP Entering AI Platform for Children's Tales ImageStore

Intime Department Store's Digital IP Entering AI Platform for Children's Tales ImageStore

On November 2nd, Intime Department Store and AI content service company Children's Story ImageStore reached an IP and content partnership. The two sides will innovate and explore content marketing forms that are more close to contemporary young people based on future life scenarios...

Qualcomm Armor: Entering the AI Era, Snapdragon Empowered Generative AI Experience Will Be Everywhere

Qualcomm Armor: Entering the AI Era, Snapdragon Empowered Generative AI Experience Will Be Everywhere

During the Snapdragon Summit, Qualcomm released the next generation flagship platform for Windows 11 PCs and mobile devices, welcoming the arrival of the terminal side AI era. Both new platforms fully consider the demand for terminal side generative AI experience in their design...

In order to deceive people into entering the factory, the factory flowers started a live broadcast on the assembly line

In order to deceive people into entering the factory, the factory flowers started a live broadcast on the assembly line

In the stuffy and cramped factory building, endless assembly line machines carry a continuous stream of USB night lights, while the "factory girls" next to the machines, dressed in beautiful clothes and heavily dressed, have a numb expression and slightly closed eyes. The hours long live broadcast only repeats the testing process of plugging and unplugging, without any work or edges...

The new 145 version of Xiaomi's iOS system has been exposed! Entering the beta testing phase

The new 145 version of Xiaomi's iOS system has been exposed! Entering the beta testing phase

[Mobile China News] New versions of Xiaomi's self developed MIOS system are constantly emerging, indicating that the system may soon be unveiled.Recently, a page image of the latest version of Xiaomi MIOS has appeared online, with version number MIOSV1...

New Biography Reveals Secrets! Musk's acquisition of Twitter was purely due to the

New Biography Reveals Secrets! Musk's acquisition of Twitter was purely due to the "boredom" of entering a stable period in his career

Replay play 00:06 / 00:06 direct seeding 00:00 Enter full screen 0 Click and hold to drag videos New Biography Reveals Secrets! Musk's acquisition of Twitter was purely due to the "boredom" of entering a stable period in his career...

Officially entering the toothpaste race! Guangyao Baiyun Toothpaste officially released, endorsed by the Olympic champion

Officially entering the toothpaste race! Guangyao Baiyun Toothpaste officially released, endorsed by the Olympic champion

In less than two months, Baiyun Toothpaste of Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group was officially launched.Recently, the three major series of new products of Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Baiyun Toothpaste were officially released...

The largest hydropower station in the Yellow River Basin! Formally entering the production and operation phase

The largest hydropower station in the Yellow River Basin! Formally entering the production and operation phase

On September 15th, the reporter learned from State Power Investment Group Yellow River Upstream Hydropower Development Co., Ltd...

Japanese media: Chinese researchers are prohibited from entering the Japan Space Agency's research institute, and space station cooperation is inappropriate

Japanese media: Chinese researchers are prohibited from entering the Japan Space Agency's research institute, and space station cooperation is inappropriate

followRecently, a Japanese space agency ban on Chinese researchers from entering the Japanese space station has sparked heated discussion online, and combined with Japan's recent high-profile "feat" of two failed launches of the H3 spacecraft, this statement is particularly comical.This statement of Japan is undoubtedly a contempt and rejection of the China National Space Administration and Space technology, which vividly reflects the pride and narrowness of the Japanese in their bones, and more importantly, their fear of China's development...

Just now! Hainan issues a typhoon level 2 warning! Regular trains entering and exiting the island are scheduled to be suspended until the 21st

Just now! Hainan issues a typhoon level 2 warning! Regular trains entering and exiting the island are scheduled to be suspended until the 21st

Hainan Provincial Government at 16:00 on July 16thIssue Typhoon Level 2 WarningAt 14:00, the center of the No. 4 typhoon "Taili" (strong tropical storm) this year was located at 19...


The "Overlord" of Central Air Conditioning in the United States: Entering China for over a century, the group's annual revenue is 174 billion yuan

Last year, the central air conditioning market in China fell by 2.6% year-on-year, but it still maintains a capacity of over 100 billion yuan...

WAIC Hot Discussion on Metaverse 2.0: Metaverse Entering the Stage of Value Creation Will Bring More Business Benefits

WAIC Hot Discussion on Metaverse 2.0: Metaverse Entering the Stage of Value Creation Will Bring More Business Benefits

[World Wide Web Science and Technology Report] On July 8, the World Artificial Intelligence Conference "Metaverse Industrial Innovation Forum" was held in Shanghai. This forum was hosted by Ali Yuanjing...