Equivalent to 20 Three Gorges dams, foreign media have discovered that China has quietly done something big in the desert

Equivalent to 20 Three Gorges dams, foreign media have discovered that China has quietly done something big in the desert

The problem of desertification in our country has always been a serious challenge.Every year, the agricultural and pastoral losses caused by this problem,There are tens of billions of yuanThe northern region is also plagued by sandstorms all year round...

Curiosity is moving inside the Gail crater on Mars and has taken multiple photos of foreign objects. What exactly is it?

Curiosity is moving inside the Gail crater on Mars and has taken multiple photos of foreign objects. What exactly is it?

The content of this article comes from the internet. If it does not match the actual situation or there is infringement, please contact to delete it...

Foreign media: Amazon will test the Digit bipedal robot in the warehouse

Foreign media: Amazon will test the Digit bipedal robot in the warehouse

Global Network Technology Comprehensive ReportOn October 19th, according to foreign media reports, Amazon recently announced that it will begin testing the AgilityDigit robot in its warehouse.It is reported that Digit is a bipedal robot under robot manufacturer AgilityRobotics, with the potential to engage in a range of tasks in warehouses, including handling and recycling...

Sino foreign director co creation plan | the world's southernmost hydropower station

Sino foreign director co creation plan | the world's southernmost hydropower station

Replay suspend 00:05 / 07:26 direct seeding 00:00 Enter full screen 0 Click and hold to drag videos The Girsa Hydropower Project in Argentina,It is a hydroelectric power station located at the southernmost point in the world.More than 100 kilometers away from the project is the Moreno Glacier,There are only three in the worldOne of the glaciers whose total area is still growing...

Foreign media: Amazon and Microsoft have reached over $1 billion in transaction for Microsoft 36 cloud services

Foreign media: Amazon and Microsoft have reached over $1 billion in transaction for Microsoft 36 cloud services

On October 18th, according to foreign media reports, Amazon is about to become a new customer of Microsoft's Microsoft 365 cloud service.According to foreign media reports, Amazon will pay over $1 billion in fees over the next five years to obtain over 1 million Microsoft 365 licenses, which means that Amazon's frontline employees and senior management will use Microsoft 365...

Foreign media review of the top 8 mobile phones in 2023, Samsung's first Google 3, shortlisted

Foreign media review of the top 8 mobile phones in 2023, Samsung's first Google 3, shortlisted

Unconsciously, three quarters of 2023 has passed. Although there are still nearly three months until the end of the year, foreign media have already begun to inventory the best phones in 2023...

Now it's

Now it's "earned" again! A "Giant Treasure" Discovered in Sichuan, Foreign Media: What Does China Need

Discovery of Giant Treasures in Sichuan: Rhenium Mining has attracted global attention. China has achieved tremendous development in the past 70 years, with an economic growth rate of over 10% for 40 consecutive years, becoming an unprecedented and unprecedented dark horse...

Foreign media: Tesla's German factory raises wages

Foreign media: Tesla's German factory raises wages

Global Network Technology Comprehensive ReportOn October 13th, according to foreign media reports, Tesla announced on Thursday that it will provide salary increases to workers at the Berlin factory. The specific salary increase will be reported to employees in November, and it will be emphasized that the factory has already raised wages by 6% last year...

Foreign media: ByteDance, more than directors transferred to TikTok's US market, highlighting the control of the Chinese parent company

Foreign media: ByteDance, more than directors transferred to TikTok's US market, highlighting the control of the Chinese parent company

According to a recent report by the Wall Street Journal, since the beginning of this year, more than ByteDance executives have been transferred to TikTok's US market to take charge of the important business of this popular short video application in Europe and the United States. Some of the executives were directly transferred from Beijing to the United States...

Foreign media: Microsoft may launch its first artificial intelligence chip in November

Foreign media: Microsoft may launch its first artificial intelligence chip in November

Global Network Technology Comprehensive ReportOn October 7th, according to foreign media reports, Microsoft plans to release its first artificial intelligence chip at its annual developer conference in November this year.It is reported that this chip, codenamed "Athena", is similar to a NVIDIA graphics processor and can be used to train and run data center servers for large language models...

Another historical breakthrough, China's space station conducts a

Another historical breakthrough, China's space station conducts a "burning" experiment, and foreign media laments that the United States lost

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Foreigners fell in love with mobile payment, and consumption of Alipay soared by nearly 70%

Foreigners fell in love with mobile payment, and consumption of Alipay soared by nearly 70%

This year's National Day coincides with the Hangzhou Asian Games, and the "event+tourism" initiative stimulates new vitality during the long holiday. On October 6, Alipay platform released the "Asian Games Economy" report...