After I switched from a 55 inch TV to an 85 inch one, I didn't express my feelings, and domestic products were also stronger than Sony

After I switched from a 55 inch TV to an 85 inch one, I didn't express my feelings, and domestic products were also stronger than Sony

When a big house is renovated and used a large screen TV, it can never be returned.Everyone's economic situation is different...

Attention from British media: Hefei operates the most advanced quantum metropolitan area network

Attention from British media: Hefei operates the most advanced quantum metropolitan area network

Reported by Reference News on September 18thAccording to the website of New Scientist magazine in the UK on September 14th, the most advanced quantum communication network to date is spread throughout the Chinese city of Hefei. The quantum metropolitan area network in Hefei is composed of quantum devices and central servers, making it the closest quantum internet that humans currently possess to the level of "invincibility"...

Two recent incidents of aircraft deviating from the runway in East China: Civil Aviation East China Bureau Inspects Jinan Airport

Two recent incidents of aircraft deviating from the runway in East China: Civil Aviation East China Bureau Inspects Jinan Airport

The author recently learned that a joint inspection team consisting of the East China Civil Aviation Bureau, Shandong Civil Aviation Supervision Bureau, Shanghai Civil Aviation Supervision Bureau, Zhejiang Civil Aviation Supervision Bureau, Pudong Airport, and Nanjing Airport conducted a joint inspection of Jinan Airport from August 8 to August 11, 2023.(Picture of the bird drive track set up within the flat range of the runway landing strip at Jinan Airport)The joint inspection team has put forward suggestions regarding the situation where the bird drive track of Jinan Airport is located within the flat range of the lifting strip...

Chaotic remarks in the United States: Huawei is a product from hell

Chaotic remarks in the United States: Huawei is a product from hell

Huawei Mate60: A product from hell?Recently, a series of remarks by US National Security Advisor Sullivan have attracted widespread attention. In his subversive remarks, he even referred to the Huawei Mate60 phone as a "product from hell"...


Dajiang: "Headquarters relocation to Xi'an, Shaanxi" and "withdrawal from the US market" are both rumors

Da Jiang: "The headquarters will be relocated to Xi'an, Shaanxi" and "exiting the US market" are all rumors. According to Cailian News Agency on September 18, in response to online rumors such as Da Jiang's headquarters being relocated to Xi'an and exiting the US market, On September 18th, Zhang Xiaonan, spokesperson for DJI News, responded to reporters: "DJI's global headquarters are located in Shenzhen, Guangdong, and there are currently no plans to relocate to Xi'an, Shaanxi...

Is the domestic lithography machine factory located in Xiong'an? Clarification from the Chinese Academy of Electronics: This is the Beijing High Energy Synchrotron Radiation Light Source

Is the domestic lithography machine factory located in Xiong'an? Clarification from the Chinese Academy of Electronics: This is the Beijing High Energy Synchrotron Radiation Light Source

Source: Pengpai NewsRecently, a piece of news has been widely circulated on major video platforms, stating that the Tsinghua University EUV project has made ASML lithography machines huge and achieved the localization of lithography machines. It also stated that this project has been implemented in Xiong'an New Area...

The section of Dandong Altay Highway from Dahongshan to Horezadgai on G331 is planned to open by the end of the year

The section of Dandong Altay Highway from Dahongshan to Horezadgai on G331 is planned to open by the end of the year

The section of Dandong Altay Highway from Dahongshan to Horezadgai on G331 is planned to open by the end of the yearDaily Gansu News on September 17thAccording to the Lanzhou Evening News, on September 14th, at the construction site of the Dahuo project of the Provincial Transportation Investment Company in Mazhuanshan, Jiuquan, workers were working hard to complete the final construction of protective fences against strong winds of level four.The starting point of the G331 Dandong Altay Highway from Dahongshan to Horezadgai section is located in Dahongshan, connecting with the Inner Mongolia section of G331, and ending at Horezadgai, connecting with the Xinjiang section of G331...

From now on, I will no longer use screensaver wallpapers! Because I found a better screensaver to use

From now on, I will no longer use screensaver wallpapers! Because I found a better screensaver to use

Screen saver refers to a program or animation that automatically starts when a computer is idle for a long time. At the beginning, the meaning of screen saver was to avoid screen damage caused by the same image being displayed on the screen for a long time (of course, this problem has been solved with the development of LCD monitors later)...

Guo Meimei: After being released from prison for the second time, she immediately showed off her wealth and bought the latest 7000 Huawei mobile phone. As expected, her true nature is hard to change

Guo Meimei: After being released from prison for the second time, she immediately showed off her wealth and bought the latest 7000 Huawei mobile phone. As expected, her true nature is hard to change

Before reading this article, please click on "Follow" and thank you for your support.Article 17Editor | Lin Shenshi Meets DeerprefaceOn September 12th,Guo MeimeiRare updatesSocial platforms:Slowly understand the world,Slowly update yourself...

Laos international student Guangxi

Laos international student Guangxi "learning from experience" high-speed rail technology witness China ASEAN connectivity

[ASEAN Special Line] (20th East China Expo) Lao international students in Guangxi "learn from" high-speed rail technology to witness China ASEAN connectivityChina News Agency, Nanning, September 16thQuestion: Lao international students in Guangxi "learn from experience" high-speed rail technology witness China ASEAN connectivityAuthor Lin XinFor 21 year old Lao international student Wu Mingxiong, his first study trip to China filled him with anticipation. In April this year, Wu Mingxiong took the China Laos railway connecting China and Laos to Guangxi Liuzhou Railway Vocational and Technical College to "learn" relevant technical knowledge of high-speed railway...

World experts and scholars in water related fields exchange and share research results of survey and design from Hunan Institute

World experts and scholars in water related fields exchange and share research results of survey and design from Hunan Institute

China Special Session of the World Water Resources Conference.Red Net Moment News Correspondent Zhou Xuan An Qiuxiang reports from BeijingThe 18th World Water Conference, held from September 11th to September 15th, attracted nearly 1300 representatives from over 60 countries and regions, as well as over 30 international organizations...

After rescuing a trapped doctor from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Myanmar and failing to transfer a ransom of 120000 yuan, it was difficult for his family to contact Zhang Shi

After rescuing a trapped doctor from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Myanmar and failing to transfer a ransom of 120000 yuan, it was difficult for his family to contact Zhang Shi

Replay suspend 00:06 / 00:06 direct seeding 00:00 Enter full screen 0 Click and hold to drag videos After rescuing a trapped doctor from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Myanmar and failing to transfer a ransom of 120000 yuan, it was difficult for his family to contact Zhang Shi...