Red Sea New City: Huawei's GridForming Energy Storage Technology Lights Up 'Power Islands'

Red Sea New City: Huawei's GridForming Energy Storage Technology Lights Up 'Power Islands'

Red Sea New City: Huawei's GridForming Energy Storage Technology Lights Up 'Power Islands'On September 8, 2024, the 2024 International Digital Energy Exhibition opened at the Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center. Yang Yougui, Senior Vice President of Huawei and President of Global Marketing and Service System for Huawei Digital Power, delivered a keynote speech at the opening ceremony and main forum, introducing Huawei's achievements in building the world's largest photovoltaic and storage microgrid power station in Saudi Arabia's Red Sea New City, and highlighting the key role of Huawei's GridForming energy storage technology in creating "power island" solutions...