Dengfeng Shaolin Airport Officially Receives Certification, Henan's First Newly Built Class A General Aviation Airport is About to Commence Operations

Dengfeng Shaolin Airport Officially Receives Certification, Henan's First Newly Built Class A General Aviation Airport is About to Commence Operations

Dengfeng Shaolin Airport Officially Receives Certification, Henan's First Newly Built Class A General Aviation Airport is About to Commence OperationsOn September 9th, the Civil Aviation Administration of South Central China issued a usage permit to Henan General Aviation Airport Management Co., Ltd...

 Foxconn Returns to Henan: The Indian Dream Shattered, Hygiene Issues Prove Fatal

Foxconn Returns to Henan: The Indian Dream Shattered, Hygiene Issues Prove Fatal

Foxconn Returns to Henan: The Indian Dream Shattered, Hygiene Issues Prove FatalFoxconn, the electronics giant that once boasted of "creating a more glorious future in India," ultimately returned to Henan with a trail of setbacks. Three years ago, despite pleas from the Henan government, Foxconn resolutely shifted its production lines to India, vowing to break free from China and achieve greater growth in India...