On the list! Cheng Dan from Nanhua Hospital Affiliated to the University of South China has entered the

On the list! Cheng Dan from Nanhua Hospital Affiliated to the University of South China has entered the "Top 2% Global Scientists List"

The "Global Top 2% Scientists List" is based on comprehensive parameters such as the number of citations from approximately 10 million scientists worldwide, the h-index (full name "H-index", used to evaluate the number and level of academic output of researchers), the hm index adjusted by co authors, and the number of citations from individual or first author articles. It includes scientists from 22 disciplinary fields and 176 sub disciplinary fields who rank 2% globally, Intended to provide a measure of long-term scientific research performance for scientists, reflecting their output and academic influence more objectively and truthfully...

Expert team from Shenzhen People's Hospital completed a research project, adding new evidence to the cardiovascular hazards of microplastics

Expert team from Shenzhen People's Hospital completed a research project, adding new evidence to the cardiovascular hazards of microplastics

Source: China Food NewsMicroplastics that penetrate through every pore can invade human systems such as circulation, digestion, respiration, and reproduction, leading to imperceptible adverse consequences. A research project completed by a team of cardiologists from Shenzhen People's Hospital on the toxic effects of exposure to polystyrene microplastics on blood vessels has for the first time confirmed that microplastics can induce chronic inflammatory reactions in the body, leading to the occurrence and development of vascular calcification...

Adhering to the positioning of

Adhering to the positioning of "patient-centered", how to build a smart hospital

As an inevitable trend in the future development of the medical industry, the construction of smart hospitals can not only improve the efficiency and quality of medical services, alleviate the problem of difficult and expensive medical treatment for the people, but also serve as an important means of modern hospital management.From a practical perspective, with the rapid development of information technology and the digital transformation of the medical industry, more and more medical institutions are exploring the construction of smart hospitals...

Zhongshan Hospital's Clinical Research Achieves Another Major Breakthrough

Zhongshan Hospital's Clinical Research Achieves Another Major Breakthrough

Recently, the team of Li Xiaoying and Chen Ying from the Endocrinology Department of Sun Yat sen Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, together with the team of Professor Wang Guangyu from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, published research results online in the international top medical journal NatureMedicine (natural medicine) - the first international proposal to adopt the AI system "RL-DITR" based on strong chemical learning algorithm to formulate insulin decision-making strategies, effectively improving the accuracy of insulin treatment programs for patients with type 2 diabetes. The research results can provide personalized and dynamic diagnosis and treatment programs for patients with type 2 diabetes, assist in establishing a hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system, and improve the efficiency of chronic disease management...

9 articles were exploded from the factory! The Affiliated Hospital of Jining Medical University and the Second Affiliated Hospital of Lian Medical University will withdraw their papers

9 articles were exploded from the factory! The Affiliated Hospital of Jining Medical University and the Second Affiliated Hospital of Lian Medical University will withdraw their papers

withdraw a contributionreal-time infoOfficial WeChatFor more exciting content, please contactPaper InformationIn December 2019, the Affiliated Hospital of Jining Medical University and the Second Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical UniversityEuropean review for formal and pharmaceutical sciences (Zone 3.3000/4)The title published online in the journal isEffectofatorvastatininpulmonaryarterialhypertensiinratthroughPI3K/AKTsignalingpathway(The effect of Atorvastatin on pulmonary hypertension in rats through PI3K/AKT signaling pathway)...

A small plane crashed in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu? Official response: Due to forced landing on farmland, one person was slightly injured and one person was fractured, and is currently being treated in the hospital

A small plane crashed in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu? Official response: Due to forced landing on farmland, one person was slightly injured and one person was fractured, and is currently being treated in the hospital

On July 12th, it was rumored that a plane crashed near Zhenjiang Dalu Airport in Jiangsu Province. According to the report of "Green Hornet" on chinayouth...

Researchers of You'an Hospital questioned the real world research of Xiangya: is Azvudine really a magic drug?

Researchers of You'an Hospital questioned the real world research of Xiangya: is Azvudine really a magic drug?

Previously, several researchers from Xiangya Hospital made unremitting efforts to use the data of the same group of COVID-19 patients hospitalized in Xiangya, left to right, and issued three papers to demonstrate that Azvudine is effective in COVID-19 patients, not only effective, but also more effective than P drug.When we tested the data, we found that the data of the same group of patients were contradictory in several papers, which made the reliability of these studies quite suspicious (suspected fraud! Tear off the mask of Azvudine's effectiveness in the real world)...

Former entrepreneurial partner: Wang Huiwen is in the hospital and needs a period of rest and recovery

Former entrepreneurial partner: Wang Huiwen is in the hospital and needs a period of rest and recovery

According to 36 Kr news, according to insiders outside of Guangnian, Wang Huiwen, the co founder of Guangnian, has recently encountered personal health problems and has been diagnosed and is currently away for medical treatment.The aforementioned person further revealed that Wang Huiwen had some health problems in mid May and suspected symptoms of depression...