College students can also develop big projects! Jiaotong University Shipbuilding College Science and Technology Innovation Market Student Science and Technology Innovation Small Model Exploring the Future of Science and Technology

College students can also develop big projects! Jiaotong University Shipbuilding College Science and Technology Innovation Market Student Science and Technology Innovation Small Model Exploring the Future of Science and Technology

Folding boats that can be folded into pockets, robots that mine on demand at 6000 meters of the seabed, and surface unmanned boats that rely entirely on ocean wave energy....

New Trends in Three Dimensions of the Global Enterprise Innovation Index 2023

New Trends in Three Dimensions of the Global Enterprise Innovation Index 2023

Science and Technology Daily reporter Wu Chunxin Correspondent Sun Juan and Yu YifeiOn October 21st, the Digital Economy and Artificial Intelligence Innovation and Development Forum, a parallel forum of the "East Lake Forum," was held in Wuhan, Hubei. The "Global Enterprise Innovation Index Report 2023" was first released, comprehensively analyzing new trends in global enterprise development from three dimensions: knowledge creation, technological innovation, and innovation collaboration...

Wanjie Intelligent Continuously Promotes Technological Innovation - Intelligent Creation of Unmanned Noodles

Wanjie Intelligent Continuously Promotes Technological Innovation - Intelligent Creation of Unmanned Noodles

The intelligent unmanned noodle shop developed by Wanjie Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd...

Based on technological innovation, No.9 Company promotes the long-term development of the short transportation industry through standardized construction

Based on technological innovation, No.9 Company promotes the long-term development of the short transportation industry through standardized construction

On October 19th, with the official release of China's first national standard for electric scooters - GB/T4825-2023 "General Technical Specifications for Electric Scooters", Xinhua, in collaboration with the leading enterprise No. 9 Company of the standard, held a seminar in Beijing on the theme of "Technology Empowers New Scenarios in the Short Transportation Industry"...

Jinhua vigorously develops information technology application and innovation industries, expands competitive advantages in the digital era

Jinhua vigorously develops information technology application and innovation industries, expands competitive advantages in the digital era

On October 20th, at the 2023 Information Technology Application Innovation Symposium with the theme of "Core" enjoying opportunities and "Core" moving towards the future, Zhu Chonglie, Secretary of Jinhua Municipal Party Committee, stated that in recent years, Jinhua has taken vigorously developing the information technology application innovation industry as a key focus and continuously expanding its competitive advantages in the digital era. At present and in the future, Jinhua will firmly shoulder the mission of the era of "based on the actual situation, leveraging its advantages, leveraging strengths and weaknesses, and creating new brilliance", anchor the goal of "building a strong city with integrated digital and real industries", promote the development of the information and innovation industry at a high level, build a high-level information and innovation industry platform, optimize the information and innovation industry ecology at a high level, and lead the industrial transformation and upgrading with the digital economy...

Chen Qi, founder of Mogujie and WeShop, joined the AI Application Working Group of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to promote AI technology innovation and implementation

Chen Qi, founder of Mogujie and WeShop, joined the AI Application Working Group of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to promote AI technology innovation and implementation

With the rapid development of the new round of AI big models, key issues such as the application and popularization of AI technology, innovation and development of AI industry, AI governance and AI inclusiveness are increasingly receiving attention. The Industrial Metaverse Collaborative Development Organization led by the Industrial Culture Development Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology held a preparatory meeting for the AI Application Working Group in Beijing on the morning of September 12th, announcing the official establishment of the "AI Application Working Group", aiming to promote the application and promotion of AI technology in industry and various industries, achieve the application of AI technology in industry and enterprise, and help enterprises solve the problems encountered in the application process Management and security issues...

The inaugural meeting of the first digital

The inaugural meeting of the first digital "three products" innovation and development competition was officially held

On October 18th, the opening meeting of the 2023 "Three Products" National Tour (Hebei Station) and the first digital "Three Products" innovation and development competition, jointly organized by the China Institute of Electronic Information Industry Development and the Hebei Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, was officially held.According to the competition organizing committee;, The theme of this competition is "Digital Intelligence Empowering Consumption Upgrade", aiming to implement the requirements of the "Digital Assistance to the" Three Products "Action Plan for the Consumer Goods Industry (2022-2025)", strengthen the supply of digital solutions for the consumer goods industry, and comprehensively support technological innovation, product innovation, and application innovation in the consumer goods industry...

High end Instrument and Meter Innovation and Development Forum Held in Beijing, Jointly Exploring New Industrial Paths

High end Instrument and Meter Innovation and Development Forum Held in Beijing, Jointly Exploring New Industrial Paths

Beijing Daily Client | Reporter Sun JieAccelerate the construction of a manufacturing powerhouse, what are high-end equipment enterprises for? On October 13th, the 2023 High end Instrument and Meter Innovation and Development Forum was held in Beijing. More than 270 academicians, industry experts, and business representatives focused on the opportunities and challenges faced by Chinese enterprises, conducting in-depth exchanges on topics such as the development of high-end instrument technology and high-quality manufacturing industry, and jointly exploring new paths for the integrated development of high-end, green, and intelligent industries...

The innovation team of the Hunan High Level Talent Gathering Project at Xiangtan University has all passed the acceptance inspection

The innovation team of the Hunan High Level Talent Gathering Project at Xiangtan University has all passed the acceptance inspection

The team conducted research on key technologies for autonomous navigation of unmanned ships, focusing on research directions such as autonomous driving, obstacle recognition, Internet of Things, geographic information systems and remote sensing, and fluid dynamics on unmanned ships. They conducted research on electronic compass angle automatic compensation methods based on autonomous calibration, unmanned ship deviation measurement and control technology, intelligent obstacle avoidance, data collection spatiotemporal consistency research, and multi-source signal interference solutions Technical research work on autonomous rescue of unmanned ships...

Hunan University Bridge Technology Innovation Helps National Major Engineering Construction

Hunan University Bridge Technology Innovation Helps National Major Engineering Construction

Hunan Daily All Media Reporter Yu RongIn recent years, Hunan University has made significant technological innovations and contributions in the field of bridge engineering, involving the theory and control technology of wind induced vibration of flexible bridges, new eddy current damping technology, and the new system of UHPC high-performance bridge structures. These innovations not only lead the development of industry technology, but also have been successfully applied in multiple major domestic and foreign projects, obtaining a series of domestic and foreign awards and recognition...

Ai Recycling Announces Collaboration with SK Chemical: Looking forward to Leading Innovation in the Recycling Value Chain

Ai Recycling Announces Collaboration with SK Chemical: Looking forward to Leading Innovation in the Recycling Value Chain

Chen Xuefeng, founder and CEO of Everything New Group, said, "We are very pleased to sign a strategic cooperation memorandum of understanding with SK Chemical. Through close communication and cooperation between the two sides, we look forward to jointly leading innovation in the recycling value chain, providing convenience for residents' lives, and creating value for environmental protection...

Manned spaceflight achievements serve thousands of industries (innovation talk)

Manned spaceflight achievements serve thousands of industries (innovation talk)

As a high-precision and cutting-edge field, the development and application of manned spaceflight have generated enormous comprehensive benefitsThe Chinese space station has arranged for 110 space science research and application projects to be implemented in orbit, with over 4000 engineering achievements widely applied in various industries. The annual increase in grain production in space breeding is about 2...