Endless damage? Is the influx of Japanese nuclear radiation products into the Chinese market causing widespread concern?

Endless damage? Is the influx of Japanese nuclear radiation products into the Chinese market causing widespread concern?

With the continuous acceleration of globalization, international trade is everywhere. There is one piece of news that worries everyone - Japanese nuclear radiation products are flooding into the Chinese market...

Sino Japanese Chip War: The Technology Burning Road Behind the Monopoly of Photoresist

Sino Japanese Chip War: The Technology Burning Road Behind the Monopoly of Photoresist

With the rapid development of technology, chip manufacturing has become a pillar industry in modern society. However, in the field of key materials in chip manufacturing, a tug of war between China and Japan has quietly begun...

Force Carrefour away and scare Wal Mart away! This Chinese supermarket's service is completely abusive to Japanese people, super impressive

Force Carrefour away and scare Wal Mart away! This Chinese supermarket's service is completely abusive to Japanese people, super impressive

Article | Puff on the Third FloorEditor | Puff on the Third FloorWhen it comes to which supermarket provides the best service, there is only one answer to everyone's psychology across the country, which is Fat Donglai from Henan.Just relying on the pictures of the crowds in the mall, one can see his popularity,In order to avoid causing casualties, Pangdonglai even arranged for police comrades to maintain order when it opened its business...

Japanese media: Chinese researchers are prohibited from entering the Japan Space Agency's research institute, and space station cooperation is inappropriate

Japanese media: Chinese researchers are prohibited from entering the Japan Space Agency's research institute, and space station cooperation is inappropriate

followRecently, a Japanese space agency ban on Chinese researchers from entering the Japanese space station has sparked heated discussion online, and combined with Japan's recent high-profile "feat" of two failed launches of the H3 spacecraft, this statement is particularly comical.This statement of Japan is undoubtedly a contempt and rejection of the China National Space Administration and Space technology, which vividly reflects the pride and narrowness of the Japanese in their bones, and more importantly, their fear of China's development...

News says Samsung is collaborating with Japanese company MEIKO to develop smart rings

News says Samsung is collaborating with Japanese company MEIKO to develop smart rings

On July 18th, according to TheElec, Samsung has reached a partnership with Japanese company MEIKO to jointly promote the smart ring project.It is reported that MEIKO is mainly responsible for manufacturing printed circuit boards (PCBs) of smart rings for Samsung...


The "cunning" Japanese brand, disguised as a domestic brand, is frantically raking in 140 billion yuan in gold!

Before reading this article, could you please click on itFollowIt not only facilitates your discussion and sharing, but also brings you a different sense of participation. Thank you for your support!Article | Xiaowei ArchivesEditor | Xiao Wei ArchiveprefaceThere are countless well-known brands in China,Gree, Xiaomi, Nongfu SpringAnd so on are all very popular domestic brands, which are highly sought after by Chinese people due to their price advantages and excellent quality...


The "cunning" Japanese brand, thinking it is a domestic product, has been quietly earning 140 billion yuan in China for 24 years!

Summer has arrived, and many friends in different regions have already turned on the air conditioning and started summer mode early, enjoying the cool summer of blowing the air conditioning and eating watermelons.As we enjoy the coolness, air conditioning brands also make a lot of money with increasing purchase rates, as we are familiar withGree, Midea, GreeThe sales volume of air conditioners from domestic brands also ranks among the top...

Huawei is taking it seriously! A decision caught Japanese and European companies off guard, foreign media: It's starting to become popular!

Huawei is taking it seriously! A decision caught Japanese and European companies off guard, foreign media: It's starting to become popular!

Text | MZJEditor | Canned Green OrangeFaced with sanctions from Western countries led by the United States, Huawei has always adhered to its original intention and has not been defeated by the West.In 2022, Huawei achieved normalized operations under the blockade and suppression of the United States...