The coal seam is as thick as 1 kilometer and extends for thousands of kilometers! Is the world's largest coal field actually formed by plants?

The coal seam is as thick as 1 kilometer and extends for thousands of kilometers! Is the world's largest coal field actually formed by plants?

Before reading this article, could you please click on the red oneFollowThe button not only facilitates your discussion and sharing, but also brings you a different sense of participation. Thank you for your support!As is well known, coal is a very important energy resource, and the coal mine resources in the coalfield can be used for power generation, industrial manufacturing, living, and so on...

An impossible

An impossible "artifact" retrieved by Japan from an asteroid 340 million kilometers away

With the advancement of technology,Bringing extraterrestrial samples back from space is no longer a rarityBut what is shocking is that the Japanese Falcon II probe,Not only did amino acids be discovered from the "Dragon Palace" asteroid, but a human creation was also brought back,And there has been no official explanation so far, only ambiguous statements. However, global netizens are skeptical about this statementBut I don't agree...

Indonesia's Yawan High Speed Rail Joint Debugging and Trial Speed Reaches 350 kilometers per hour

Indonesia's Yawan High Speed Rail Joint Debugging and Trial Speed Reaches 350 kilometers per hour

According to Xinhua News Agency, Jakarta, June 22 (Xinhua) (Reporter Yu Qianliang, Wang Ona) The comprehensive testing of the joint debugging and testing of Indonesia's Yawan High Speed Railway reached a speed of 350 kilometers per hour for the first time on the 22nd, marking that the Yawan High Speed Railway has reached the design speed standard and achieved the phased task goal of joint debugging and testing.Since the joint commissioning and test of Ya'an Wanzhou High speed Railway was officially started on May 22, China Railway International Co...

The fastest star

The fastest star "roars" 2285 kilometers per second

Science and Technology Daily, Beijing, June 15 (Reporter Liu Xia) According to a report on the website of the British New Scientist on the 14th, scientists from Harvard University in the United States found in a new study that a White dwarf is the fastest moving star in the Milky Way known so far, with a speed of 2285 kilometers per second. This discovery can explain how some supernovae were formed...