The release of license plates on vehicles used by astronauts has sparked controversy. Is it intentional obstruction of license plates or a helpless move?

The release of license plates on vehicles used by astronauts has sparked controversy. Is it intentional obstruction of license plates or a helpless move?

The issuance of license plates for astronauts' vehicles has always been a controversial issue. Some people believe that this blurring is intentional obstruction of the license plate, while others believe that it is for the protection of astronaut safety and privacy...

With a range of 600km and the ability to license without a driver's license, the price is over 3000 yuan. Is this electric vehicle worth buying?

With a range of 600km and the ability to license without a driver's license, the price is over 3000 yuan. Is this electric vehicle worth buying?

Before reading this article, please click on thefollowSo you can receive our latest content for free. Thank you for your supportPower assisted electric vehicles have been a popular category in the market in the past two years...

ChatGPT passed the Chinese Medical Practising Medical license exam with high scores. Is AI going to treat you in the future?

ChatGPT passed the Chinese Medical Practising Medical license exam with high scores. Is AI going to treat you in the future?

Chao News Client Reporter Zhang Miao, Zhu Ping, Correspondent Fang Xu, Zhu JunjunCan you imagine being treated by an artificial intelligence robot in the future?It is not a rare scene in science fiction movies. It seems that there are more and more possibilities to become a reality...

No driver's license, nationwide registration! Yadi, Xiaoniu, and Yuanyuan have launched three

No driver's license, nationwide registration! Yadi, Xiaoniu, and Yuanyuan have launched three "Long Range Electric Vehicles"

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Wenyuan Zhixing obtained the first national level autonomous driving license in the Middle East

Wenyuan Zhixing obtained the first national level autonomous driving license in the Middle East

On July 3rd, the United Arab Emirates approved its first autonomous driving road test license and awarded it to L4 autonomous driving technology company Wenyuan Zhixing. It is understood that this is also the first national level autonomous driving road test license in the Middle East and even the world...

Nokia and Apple Sign Long Term Patent License Agreement

Nokia and Apple Sign Long Term Patent License Agreement

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PayerMax obtained Indonesian payment license

PayerMax obtained Indonesian payment license

Recently, PayerMax, a global online payment company, announced that it has officially obtained a PJP payment license from the Bank of Indonesia. This means that PayerMax's capabilities in system security, compliance operations, and risk control have been recognized by regulatory agencies...