China's Lithography Dream: The Difficult Journey to Conquer the

China's Lithography Dream: The Difficult Journey to Conquer the "Mount Everest" of Technology

China's Lithography Dream: The Difficult Journey to Conquer the "Mount Everest" of TechnologyWhy are high-end lithography machines so crucial?What makes manufacturing high-end lithography machines so challenging?The optical system is another challenge. Ordinary lenses cannot focus EUV light, so reflective mirrors are needed...

 Chinas Chip Breakthrough: From a $5 Billion Photolithography Factory to Technological Independence

Chinas Chip Breakthrough: From a $5 Billion Photolithography Factory to Technological Independence

Chinas Chip Breakthrough: From a $5 Billion Photolithography Factory to Technological IndependenceThe rivalry between China and the US has intensified recently, with the chip sector becoming a "powder keg." The US has been trying to choke China with various means, but we Chinese people have never been afraid! Facing adversity, we will only surge forward with greater determination...

Bypassing the EUV lithography machine to create a 2nm chip! ASML never expected that sanctions would come so quickly

Bypassing the EUV lithography machine to create a 2nm chip! ASML never expected that sanctions would come so quickly

Title: Changes in the Semiconductor Industry and the New Pattern of Global Technology CompetitionOn today's global technology stage, the semiconductor industry is not only the focus of national strategic competitions, but also a key field in commercial competition. Chinese technology companies, represented by Huawei, have emerged in this war without gunpowder, triggering a profound reflection on the balance of technological power and future trends worldwide...

Bypassing the EUV lithography machine to create a 2nm chip! ASML never expected it. Sanctions come so quickly

Bypassing the EUV lithography machine to create a 2nm chip! ASML never expected it. Sanctions come so quickly

For a better reading and interactive experience, and for you to see more content in a timely manner, click 'Follow'.Bypassing the EUV lithography machine to create a 2nm chip! ASML never expected that sanctions would come so quicklyFour years ago, Huawei's rise in the field of technology caught the attention of American technology giants, and its innovative capabilities posed a huge threat to American technology hegemony...

Major breakthroughs have been made in China's four major fields, which are even more exciting than lithography machines. Now it's the turn of the United States to suffer

Major breakthroughs have been made in China's four major fields, which are even more exciting than lithography machines. Now it's the turn of the United States to suffer

Dear, originality is not easy. Could you please move your hands, like, forward, and comment on it? Thank you^-^The Light of Technology: China's Four BreakthroughsRecently, China has made remarkable technological breakthroughs in four major fields, which have not only attracted attention domestically but also globally...

On October 10th, thank you to China for generously donating and collaborating on the development of lithography machines! International news

On October 10th, thank you to China for generously donating and collaborating on the development of lithography machines! International news

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China breaks through the blockade and receives a huge

China breaks through the blockade and receives a huge "gift" from Spain, which is as important as a lithography machine

The material of this article comes from the internet. If it does not match the actual situation or there is infringement, please contact to delete it...

On the evening of the 19th, can't you carry it anymore? The United States has officially announced a ban on lithography machines, while the Netherlands has sold me

On the evening of the 19th, can't you carry it anymore? The United States has officially announced a ban on lithography machines, while the Netherlands has sold me

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Is the domestic lithography machine factory located in Xiong'an? Response from China Academy of Electronics

Is the domestic lithography machine factory located in Xiong'an? Response from China Academy of Electronics

Recently, a piece of news has been widely circulated on major video platforms, stating that the Tsinghua University EUV project has made ASML lithography machines huge and achieved the localization of lithography machines. It also stated that this project has been implemented in Xiong'an New Area...

Is the domestic lithography machine factory located in Xiong'an? Clarification from the Chinese Academy of Electronics: This is the Beijing High Energy Synchrotron Radiation Light Source

Is the domestic lithography machine factory located in Xiong'an? Clarification from the Chinese Academy of Electronics: This is the Beijing High Energy Synchrotron Radiation Light Source

Source: Pengpai NewsRecently, a piece of news has been widely circulated on major video platforms, stating that the Tsinghua University EUV project has made ASML lithography machines huge and achieved the localization of lithography machines. It also stated that this project has been implemented in Xiong'an New Area...

The situation that concerns the United States is emerging, as new technologies for high-end chips are being dismantled and lithography machines may become scrap metal

The situation that concerns the United States is emerging, as new technologies for high-end chips are being dismantled and lithography machines may become scrap metal

Text | Jiang Zuo MeilangTypesetting Editor | Black CodeOur chip industry is facing a situation where 'a skillful woman cannot make rice without cooking'. To make high-end chips, in addition to requiring strong design capabilities, their production and processing also require extremely advanced equipment...